

Throughout October and November 2018, Praxis continued providing assistance to refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

A total of 2678 newly arrived refugees/migrants were informed about current situation in Serbia and the region, legal status and available legal options (seeking asylum in Serbia, assisted voluntary return to the country of origin, possibilities of family reunification abroad or resettlement to a third country when possible), accommodation in asylum centres (AC) or transit-reception centres in Serbia, means of transportation to the assigned centres, other rights and available services (medical care, psychosocial support, food, NFIs, various workshops for refugees/ migrants etc).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for October here.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report for November here.

In September, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 450 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. In this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1727 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres. During this reporting period, up to 58 refugees/migrants were seen sleeping rough in the parks near the Belgrade Bus Station every morning.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1533 newly arrived refugees and migrants (1021 adults - 912 men and 109 women and 512 children - 457 boys and 55 girls, including 393 potential UAMs - all boys) with information and/or referred them to other organisations/institutions.

On 20 September, Commissioner for Migration, Home Affairs and Citizenship Dimitris Avramopoulos and Nebojša Stefanović, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the Republic of Serbia, initiated a status agreement that will allow European Border and Coast Guard teams to be deployed in Serbia.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.




U avgustu, broj izbeglica i migranata koje je Praxisov terenski tim viđao i sa kojima je razgovarao nije bio veći od 300 dnevno, uključujući novopristigle, izbeglice i migrante smeštene u Centru za azil Krnjača i Prihvatnom centru Obrenovac, kao i one koji su se u Beograd vratili nakon neuspešnih pokušaja prelaska hrvatske, mađarske, bosanske ili rumunske granice. U tom periodu, Praxis je pružio pomoć izbeglicama i migrantima (ukupno 2073) u vidu informisanja, psihosocijalne podrške, upućivanja na ciljanu pomoć koju pružaju različite organizacije i institucije ili pokrivanja troškova prevoza do centara za azil i prihvatnih centara. Tokom ovog izveštajnog perioda, viđeno je do 74 izbeglica i migranata koji su spavali na otvorenom u parkovima u blizini glavne autobuske stanice u Beogradu svako jutro.

Praxis je nastavio da sprovodi svoje aktivnosti na terenu u okviru kojih je ukupno 1794 novopridošlih izbeglica i migranata (1296 odraslih - 1153 muškaraca i 143 žena i 498 dece - 446 dečaka i 52 devojčice, uključujući 390 potencijalnih maloletnika bez pratnje - 386 dečaka i 4 devojčice) dobilo informacije ili bilo upućeno na pomoć koju pružaju druge organizacije i institucije.

Izbeglice i migranti su došli iz Indije (18), Kine (1), Bangladeša (74), Eritreje (5), Jemena (2), Libije (12), Mijanmara (1), Nepala (4), Palestine (7), Somalije (14), Šri Lanke (1) i Turske (1). Izbeglice i migranti su stigli u Srbiju iz Makedonije (801 ili 44,6%), Bugarske (466 ili 26%), Albanije (65 ili 3,6%), Crne Gore (8 ili 0,4%), Mađarske (5 ili 0,3%), BiH (8 ili 0,4%) a njih 38 nije navelo odakle su ušli u Srbiju; 403 izbeglica i migranata, uglavnom iz Irana, stigli su avionom.

Porodice i maloletnici bez pratnje koji čekaju na registraciju ili prevoz do jednog od centara za azil ili prihvatnih centara u koji su upućeni i dalje su imali mogućnost da prenoće u centru za pomoć izbeglicama - Miksalištu koje se nalazi u blizini glavne autobuske i železničke stanice u Beogradu. Info Park je nastavio da obezbeđuje jedan obrok dnevno za novopristigle izbeglice i migrante, a povremeno je pokrivao troškove prevoza do prihvatnih centara i centara za azil. Pored Praxisa i Info parka, SCRM je tokom ovog izveštajnog perioda nekoliko puta organizovao prevoz do prihvatnih centara i centara za azil. MSF klinika je nastavila da pruža medicinsku pomoć. U ovom izveštajnom periodu na terenu u Beogradu nije bilo organizovane distribucije odeće i obuće.

Preuzmite kompletan Izveštaj o praćenju zaštite i pružanju pomoći i informacija izbeglicama i migrantima ovde.




In July, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 200 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. During this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1883 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres. During this reporting period, up to 44 refugees/migrants were seen sleeping rough in the parks near the Belgrade Bus station every morning.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1541 newly arrived refugees and migrants (1159 adults - 1034 men and 125 women, and 382 children - 313 boys and 69 girls, including 252 potential unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), 249 boys and 3 girls) with relevant information.

The refugees/migrants of other nationalities were from Bangladesh (61), Eritrea (10), India (23), Libya (3), Somalia (16), Tunisia (3), Egypt (1), Nepal (10), Nigeria (1), Russia (1), Sri Lanka (6) and Turkey (3). Refugees/migrants arrived to Serbia via Macedonia (873 or 56.7%), Bulgaria (270 or 17.5%), Albania (5 or 0.3%), BiH (3 or 0.2%), while 41 of them did not specify where they had entered Serbia and 349 refugees/migrants, mostly from Iran, arrived by plane.

The families and UASC waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in the aid hub Refugee Aid Miksalište, in the proximity of Belgrade Bus and Train Station. Info Park continued to provide one meal a day for newly arrived refugees/migrants, and occasionally covered the costs of transport to the reception and asylum centres. Beside Praxis and Info Park, SCRM organised transportation to asylum and reception centres several times during this reporting period. The MSF clinic continued to provide medical support. In this reporting period, there was no organised distribution of clothing and footwear in the field in Belgrade.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

In June, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 150 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. In this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1598 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 1294 newly arrived refugees and migrants (994 adults - 865 men and 129 women, and 300 children - 215 boys and 85 girls, including 145 potential unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), 143 boys and 2 girls) with relevant information.

Comparing to the previous period, there was a noticeable increase in the number of refugees/migrants from Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan. In May, 167 refugees/migrants or 19.4% of them arrived from Iraq, while in June, this number increased to 252. In previous month, 114 (13.3%) refugees/migrants arrived from Afghanistan, while in June, this number increased to 248. As for the refugees/migrants from Pakistan, 191 refugees/migrants (22.2%) arrived in May, while in June, this number increased to 396. The refugees/migrants of other nationalities were from Bangladesh (27), Eritrea (6), India (4), Cameron (2), Libya (9), Ivory Coast (1), Romania (1), Somalia (17), Palestine (1) and Turkey (2). Refugees/migrants arrived to Serbia via Macedonia (808 or 62.4%), Bulgaria (227 or 17.5%), Croatia (12 or 0.9%), Hungary (2 or 0.2%) and Romania (1 or 0.1%), while 15 of them did not specify where they had entered Serbia and 229 refugees/migrants from Iran arrived by plane.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

In May, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 200 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian, Bosnian or Romanian border. In this reporting period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1078 refugees/migrants, through information, psychosocial support, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 859 newly arrived refugees and migrants (642 adults - 534 men and 118 women, and 207 children - 157 boys and 50 girls, including 103 potential unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), 102 boys and 1 girl) with relevant information.

The families and UASC waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in the aid hub Refugee Aid Miksalište, in the proximity of Belgrade Bus and Train Station. In this reporting period, SCRM organised, on one occasion, the transportation of the refugees/migrants to the Reception Centre in Bosilegrad. Info Park continued to provide one meal a day for newly arrived refugees/migrants, and occasionally covered the costs of transport to the reception and asylum centres. Beside Praxis and Info Park, RAS also occasionally covered the transport costs. MSF clinic continued to provide medical support. In this reporting period, there was no organised distribution of clothing and footwear in the field in Belgrade.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

sreda, 20 jun 2018 00:00

Povodom Svetskog dana deteta

Danas, na Svetski dan deteta, hteli bismo još jednom da skrenemo pažnju na problem dečjih brakova u Srbiji sa kojim se susreću deca na margini društva, a pre svega ona u romskoj zajednici.

Prema Istraživanju višestrukih pokazatelja položaja žena i dece za 2019. godinu (MICS 6), koje je sproveo Republički zavod za statistiku, uz tehničku i finansijsku podršku UNICEF-a, Evropske unije, UNFPA i Vlade Republike Srbije, ostvaren je određeni napredak kod dece u romskim naseljima. Napredak je uočen u povećanom obuhvatu imunizacijom dece u romskim naseljima, udvostručenoj stopi pohađanja srednjeg obrazovanja kod devojčica iz romskih naselja, smanjenju stope smrtnosti odojčadi i dece mlađe od pet godina, mada su ovi podaci i dalje znatno nepovoljniji nego kod dece u opštoj populaciji.

Međutim, jasna stagnacija primetna je u oblasti dečjih, ranih i prinudnih brakova, iako ih ciljevi održivog razvoja navode kao štetnu praksu koju treba eliminisati do 2030. godine. MICS 6 istraživanje pokazuje da je stopa dečjih brakova u populaciji devojčica i mladih žena iz romskih naselja i dalje izuzetno visoka. Naime, procenat žena iz romskih naselja starosti 20-24 godine koje su stupile u brak pre navršenih 18 godina života iznosi 55,8%, dok je procenat žena iste starosne dobi koje su stupile u brak pre navršenih 15 godina života 15,9%. Procenat žena starosti 15-19 godina koje su trenutno u braku ili vanbračnoj zajednici iznosi čak 34,1%. Ranim stupanjem u brak deca su lišena detinjstva, redovnog psihičkog i fizičkog razvoja, školovanja i prilike da samostalno biraju partnera u budućnosti. Kako je napuštanje školovanja istovremeno i uzrok i posledica dečjih brakova, povećan je rizik od ekonomske zavisnosti i siromaštva. Pritom, deca su izložena nasilju, riziku od apatridije i riziku od ekonomske i seksualne eksploatacije.

Na polju prevencije dečjih brakova, Praxis je ove godine održao seriju radionica sa više od 200 učenika iz osnovnih škola u 9 opština širom Srbije sa ciljem podizanja svesti o štetnosti ove pojave. “Pustite nas da provedemo detinjstvo u školskim klupama, a ne ljuljajući decu!”, “Brinite o deci” samo su neke od poruka koje su ova deca uputila institucijama i zajednici.

Dečji brak predstavlja grubo kršenje prava deteta, posebno devojčica, i tako ga treba posmatrati. U cilju prevencije i eliminacije ove pojave, pored podizanja svesti, neophodno je aktivnije i posvećenije delovanje države, jačanje saradnje i proaktivno delovanje nadležnih institucija. Stanovište po kome ova štetna praksa predstavlja romsku kulturu i tradiciju ne sme biti izgovor za nepoštovanje nacionalnih i međunarodnih zakona, a naročito za sprečavanje svakog deteta da dostigne svoj puni razvojni kapacitet.




In April, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 180 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian or Romanian border. In this period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 1176 refugees/migrants, through information, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres.

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 704 newly arrived refugees and migrants (542 adults - 470 men and 72 women, and 162 children - 126 boys and 36 girls, including 102 potential unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), 95 boys and 7 girls) with relevant information. Out of the total of 704 newly arrived refugees/migrants, 123 persons or 17.5% of them were from Afghanistan, which is almost double compared to the previous period when 64 Afghans arrived. 15 newly arrived refugees/migrants were from Syria, which accounts for 2.1% of the total number and represents a decrease compared to the previous period (in March, 33 newly arrived refugees were from Syria). 66 refugees and migrants came from Iraq (9.4%). 175 refugees/migrants (24.9%) came from Pakistan. A total of 254 refugees/migrants (36.1% of the total number) came from Iran, which is also a significant increase compared to the previous period when 125 refugees/migrants arrived from Iran. Out of 254 Iranian refugees/migrants, 230 arrived by plane. 15 refugees/migrants (2.1%) came from Algeria and 1 (0.1%) from Morocco. A total of 55 (7.8%) refugees/migrants came from other countries - from India (4), China (1), Bangladesh (4), Egypt (1), Ghana (7), Congo (1), Libya (14), Nepal (1), Ivory Cost (1), Somalia (13), Sri Lanka (5) and Tunisia (3).

The families and UASC waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in the aid hub Refugee Aid Miksalište, in the proximity of Belgrade Bus and Train Station. In this reporting period, there was no organised transportation of the refugees/migrants to the reception and asylum centers. Info Park continued to provide one meal a day for newly arrived refugees/migrants, and occasionally covered transport costs to the reception and asylum centres, while MSF clinic continued to provide medical support. In this reporting period, there was no organised distribution of clothing and footwear in the field in Belgrade.

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.




In March, the number of refugees/migrants met and interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team did not exceed 150 on a daily basis, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian or Romanian border. In this reporting period, Praxis provided assistance to a total of 823 refugees/migrants, through information, referrals to the targeted assistance provided by various organisations/institutions or covering the costs of transport to the asylum and reception centres

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 538 newly arrived refugees and migrants (423 adults - 377 men and 46 women, and 115 children - 91 boys and 24 girls, including 63 potential unaccompanied and separated children (UASC), all boys) with relevant information. Out of the total of 538 newly arrived refugees/ migrants, 64 persons or 11.9% of them were from Afghanistan. 33 newly arrived refugees/migrants were from Syria, which accounts for 6.1% of the total number. 67 refugees and migrants came from Iraq (12.5%). 189 refugees/migrants (35.1%) came from Pakistan, which is a significant increase compared to the previous reporting period when 100 newly arrived refugees/migrant were from Pakistan. 125 refugees/migrants (23.2% of the total number) came from Iran. The refugees/migrants from Iran continue arriving by plane: 106 out of 125 of them in March. 5 refugees/migrants (0.9%) came from Algeria and 4 (0.7%) from Morocco. A total of 51 (0.7%) refugees/migrants came from other countries - from Russia (1), Bosnia and Herzegovina (1), Burundi (1), Congo (1), Ghana (1), India (17 – out of whom 4 arrived by plane), Lebanon (1), Libya (17), Myanmar (2), Nepal (4), Sri Lanka (4) and Turkey (Kurd) (1).

Download the whole Protection Monitoring Report here.

U februaru, broj izbeglica i migranata koje je Praxisov terenski tim viđao i sa kojima je razgovarao nije bio veći od 125 dnevno, uključujući novopristigle, izbeglice i migrante smeštene u Centru za azil Krnjača i Prihvatnom centru Obrenovac, kao i one koji su se u Beograd vratili nakon neuspešnih pokušaja prelaska hrvatske, mađarske ili rumunske granice. U tom periodu, Praxis je pružio pomoć izbeglicama i migrantima (ukupno 828) u vidu informisanja, upućivanja na ciljanu pomoć koju pružaju različite organizacije i institucije ili pokrivanja troškova prevoza do centara za auto azil i prihvatnih centara.

Praxis je nastavio da sprovodi svoje aktivnosti na terenu u okviru kojih je ukupno 425 novopridošlih izbeglica/migranata (325 odraslih - 276 muškaraca i 49 žena i 100 dece - 79 dečaka i 21 devojčica, uključujući 56 potencijalna maloletnika bez pratnje - sve dečaci) dobilo releventne informacije. Od ukupnog broja novopristiglih izbeglica i migranata (425), 61 lica ili 14,4% njih su iz Avganistana. 23 novopristiglih izbeglica i migranata su bili iz Sirije, što je  5,4% od ukupnog broja. 75 izbeglica i migranata je došlo iz Iraka (17,6%). 100 izbeglica i migranata (23,5%) su došli iz Pakistana. 136 izbeglica i migranata (32,0% od ukupnog broja) došli su iz Irana. Izbeglice i migranti iz Irana nastavljaju da stižu avionom: bilo ih je 115 u februaru. 7 izbeglica i migranata (1,6%) su došli iz Alžira. Ukupno 23 (5,4%) izbeglica i migranata su došli iz drugih zemalja - Libije (12), Indije (3), Šri Lanke (1), Nigerije (1), Kuvajta (3), Bangladeša (1), Sudana (1) i Ukrajine (1).

Preuzmite kompletan Izveštaj o praćenju zaštite i pružanju pomoći i informacija izbeglicama i migrantima ovde.

Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action