Ostali izveštaji

nedelja, 30. jun 2013.

Open Society Foundations Published the Report "Roma Health Rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia: A Baseline for Legal Advocacy"

Open Society Foundations has published the report named Roma Health Rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia: A Baseline for Legal Advocacy, which analyzes the current state of legal advocacy for Roma health rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia. It seeks to establish a point of reference, and to develop an evaluation framework for the Open Society Foundations’ support for legal empowerment, documentation and advocacy, media, and strategic litigation. The report referred to Praxis data for the purpose of the analysis of the situation in Serbia.

Download the report: Roma Health Rights in Macedonia, Romania, and Serbia: A Baseline for Legal Advocacy

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action