
utorak, 6. jun 2006.

UNMIK Published Press Release - SRSG Welcomes Signing of Protocol on Returns




PRISTINA – Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General in Kosovo (SRSG) Soren Jessen-Petersen welcomed the signing of the Protocol on Voluntary and Sustainable Return between Pristina and Belgrade. The Protocol was signed today by the SRSG, the Head of the Pristina Delegation of the Direct Dialogue Working Group, Dardan Gashi, and the Head of the Belgrade Delegation of the Direct Dialogue Working Group, Milorad Todorovic, as part of ongoing efforts to intensify the return process.

On this occasion, the SRSG said: “Today’s signing of the Protocol by Pristina and Belgrade is an important moment. It shows that we are all committed to put the rights of the displaced persons on the forefront.”

The Protocol seeks to improve the conditions for return and enhance capacity for implementation of the return process through provisions that range from providing access to basic services for the returnees to promoting integration of the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs). The Protocol acknowledges that successful return of IDPs is based on three elements: ensuring safety of returnees; returning property to the displaced and rebuilding their houses; and creating an environment that sustains returns.

“The Protocol confirms that in spite of differences on various issues, there is a will to cooperate to end the situation of displacement while duly respecting the right of the internally displaced to return to their homes and to freely choose their places of residence,” said the SRSG.


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