
Friday, 26 September 2008

OSCE Roundtable "Access to Justice, Property, Economic and Social Right by IDPs"




Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), in cooperation with the Internally Displaced Persons’ Associations UNIJA, organized a roundtable in Kopaonik in the period from 17 to 19 September 2008. Representatives of state institutions, non-governmental and international organizations in Serbia and Kosovo, dealing with the issues of internally displaced persons (IDPs), participated in the roundtable, in order to comprehensively examine the situation and position of IDPs in Serbia.

The roundtable was organized as part of the project “Support to Refugee/IDP Return through Legal Aid”, within which Praxis is conducting a research on IDPs situation in the society and their access to justice, social, economic and property rights.

The work at the roundtable was conducted in working groups, divided according to the topics discussed – access to documents in Serbia, access to documents in Kosovo, property rights in Kosovo, employment, education, health care and social welfare. The aim was to examine certain aspects of the issue, both from the standpoint of state bodies and institutions, on one side, and non-governmental and international organizations on the other, in order to jointly reach a solution and make recommendations for removing administrative and systemic obstacles in accessing certain rights.

See the news from the OSCE web site.

Download (Serbian only):  OSCE Agenda




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