Education & Training

Monday, 16 July 2007

Law Students Awarded Certificates on Completed Practice in Praxis

In June 2006, UNHCR and Law Faculty at the University of Belgrade initiated the Refugee Legal Clinic with the aim to promote an innovative teaching model for law students and, at the same time, develop an important part of the future system of free legal aid for refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia.

Theoretical part of the project was conducted at the Law Faculty and the students had the opportunity to learn thoroughly about the fundamental international refugee protection, the basic principles of work with refugees and asylum seekers, the procedure of establishing the refugee status, as well as about the relevant role of the state.

As for the practical part of the project, from February 2007 the students have been involved in practical work in the non-governmental organization Praxis. In the office, the students learnt about the legal problems the refugees and internally displaced persons face, and also took part in the work of the Praxis’ legal mobile teams that visit the displaced in the collective centres and illegal Roma settlements throughout Serbia.

Upon successfully completed practice, on 27th June 2007 the students were awarded the certificates by Praxis. Since this project proved interesting and useful for the students who attended the Refugee Legal Clinic, Praxis will continue the cooperation with the UNHCR and the Law Faculty at the University of Belgrade so that the future generations also have the opportunity to get acquainted with the practical work with the displaced population.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action