Education & Training

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Seventh Generation of the University of Belgrade Law Students Complete Practice in Praxis

The seventh generation of students of the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, who have attended the Refugee Legal Clinic, initiated by UNHCR, have successfully completed their practice in Praxis.

The students had the opportunity to learn about the problems faced by the marginalised population in Serbia, both through getting acquainted with the office work of lawyers with individual clients and through joining the field visits to the informal settlements and collective centres carried out by legal mobile teams. In addition, the Praxis lawyers held lectures to the students to inform them about the systemic barriers faced by vulnerable groups in accessing their status and socio-economic rights, mechanisms of protection from discrimination, sexual and gender-based violence, etc.

At the final seminar held on 27 September 2012, the students were awarded certificates on successfully completed practice in Praxis and prizes for best essays. Bojan Stojanovic won first prize for the essay entitled Legally Invisible Persons. Ana Ljubisavljevic won second prize for the essay entitled Legally Invisible Persons - Provisions of the Law on the Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Procedure.


Download the essay (Serbian only): "Legally Invisible Persons", Bojan Stojanovic

Download the essay (Serbian only): "Legally Invisible Persons - Solutions of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Procedure", Ana Ljubisavljevic



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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action