
Friday, 23 December 2011

Coalition for Access to Justice Established

The Coalition for Access to Justice was established on 23 December 2011. The Coalition members are the following organisations: Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, Civil Rights Defenders, CHRIS - Network of the Committees for Human Rights in Serbia, Humanitarian Law Centre, Youth Initiative for Human Rights, Independent Journalists' Association of Serbia, Sandzak Committee for the Protection of Human Rights and Freedoms and Praxis. The Coalition members have associated with the aim to jointly respond to the restrictions on the achieved level of human rights and freedoms regarding the exercise of the rights to access to justice, which ensued as the consequence of the adoption of the new Law on Civil Procedure, as well as the Criminal Procedure Code and the Criminal Code.

In the upcoming period, the Coalition activities will be focused on advocating for the amendments to the aforementioned laws and the adoption of the Law on Free Legal Aid that will fully respect the citizens' interests regarding their freedom to choose and receive high-quality legal aid.   

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action