

Više od godinu dana od donošenja preporuke poverenice za zaštitu ravnopravnosti zbog diskriminacije koju Gradska uprava Grada Beograda vrši prema Romima koji stanuju u kontejnerskim naseljima formiranim nakon prinudnih iseljenja neformalnih naselja nisu otklonjene posledice diskriminatornog postupanja.

Naime, prošle godine Praxis je podneo pritužbu poverenici za zaštitu ravnopravnosti zbog uspostavljanja pravnog režima u kontejnerskim naseljima od strane Gradske uprave, koji ne važi za ostale kategorije stanovnika. Ovim pravnim režimom Gradska uprava propisala je da u slučaju da Romi koji stanuju u kontejnerskim naseljima ne usvoje „pravila lepog ponašanja prema predstavnicima institucija grada Beograda“, zatim ne pokažu „aktivan odnos prema naporima Grada da se socijalizuju pojedinci i njihove porodice“ ili pak ukoliko „prime goste u kontejnerima u kojima stanuju“, oni mogu biti prinudno iseljeni iz alternativnog smeštaja koji im je obezbeđen. Istovremeno, odredbe Kućnog reda koje su gradske vlasti nametnule stanovnicima kontejnerskih naselja podsticale su predrasude i stereotipe prema Romima.

Na osnovu ovih diskriminatornih odredbi, Gradska uprava iselila je najmanje 11 porodica (44 osobe), a gorepomenutom preporukom poverenice trebalo je da dođe do otklanjanja posledica diskriminacije. Međutim, više od godinu dana od donošenja ove preporuke Gradska uprava to nije učinila, odnosno samo je delimično postupila po preporuci.

Umesto izmene Kućnog reda koji je važio za stanovnike kontejnerskih naselja i usvajanja novog, Gradska uprava je u „dogovoru“ sa stanovnicima naselja donela „Pravila za bolji i zdraviji život“ kojima su preformulisana prethodna pravila Kućnog reda. Istovremeno, osim obaveze usvajanja „pravila lepog ponašanja prema predstavnicima institucija Grada Beograda“ razlozi za iseljenje iz mobilnih stambenih jedinica su ostali isti, a prinudna iseljenja Roma koji stanuju u ovim naseljima se nastavljaju.

Više od godinu dana od donošenja preporuke poverenice za zaštitu ravnopravnosti zbog diskriminacije koju Gradska uprava Grada Beograda vrši prema Romima koji stanuju u kontejnerskim naseljima formiranim nakon prinudnih iseljenja neformalnih naselja nisu otklonjene posledice diskriminatornog postupanja.

Naime, prošle godine Praxis je podneo pritužbu poverenici za zaštitu ravnopravnosti zbog uspostavljanja pravnog režima u kontejnerskim naseljima od strane Gradske uprave, koji ne važi za ostale kategorije stanovnika. Ovim pravnim režimom Gradska uprava propisala je da u slučaju da Romi koji stanuju u kontejnerskim naseljima ne usvoje „pravila lepog ponašanja prema predstavnicima institucija grada Beograda“, zatim ne pokažu „aktivan odnos prema naporima Grada da se socijalizuju pojedinci i njihove porodice“ ili pak ukoliko „prime goste u kontejnerima u kojima stanuju“, oni mogu biti prinudno iseljeni iz alternativnog smeštaja koji im je obezbeđen. Istovremeno, odredbe Kućnog reda koje su gradske vlasti nametnule stanovnicima kontejnerskih naselja podsticale su predrasude i stereotipe prema Romima.

Na osnovu ovih diskriminatornih odredbi, Gradska uprava iselila je najmanje 11 porodica (44 osobe), a gorepomenutom preporukom poverenice trebalo je da dođe do otklanjanja posledica diskriminacije. Međutim, više od godinu dana od donošenja ove preporuke Gradska uprava to nije učinila, odnosno samo je delimično postupila po preporuci.

Umesto izmene Kućnog reda koji je važio za stanovnike kontejnerskih naselja i usvajanja novog, Gradska uprava je u „dogovoru“ sa stanovnicima naselja donela „Pravila za bolji i zdraviji život“ kojima su preformulisana prethodna pravila Kućnog reda. Istovremeno, osim obaveze usvajanja „pravila lepog ponašanja prema predstavnicima institucija Grada Beograda“ razlozi za iseljenje iz mobilnih stambenih jedinica su ostali isti, a prinudna iseljenja Roma koji stanuju u ovim naseljima se nastavljaju.

Nakon sastanka koji su Praxis, Regionalni centar za manjine i Evropski centar za prava Roma održali sa predstavnicima stručne službe Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti, poverenica se obratila Gradskoj upravi Grada Beograda ukazujući na potrebu da se prilikom određivanja lokacija za stanovanje Roma vodi računa o izbegavanju stvaranja segregisanih naselja.

Naime, poverenica je Gradskoj upravi Grada Beograda ukazala na ratifikovane međunarodne ugovore kojima se garantuju ljudska prava, ustavna i zakonska načela, kao i programska i strateška opredeljenja Republike Srbije u oblasti zaštite manjina i sprečavanja segragacije i diskriminacije. Nadalje je poverenica ukazala da trajno stambeno zbrinjavanje Roma ne bi smelo da dovede do dalje socijalne isključenosti ove grupe ljudi, jer na to Republiku Srbiju, kao i Grad Beograd, obavezuju međunarodne konvencije i domaći propisi.

Imajući u vidu da je Generalnim planom Beograda 2021 i posebnim evidencijama i spiskovima uz ovaj plan određeno 58 lokacija u Beogradu namenjenih socijalnom stanovanju i drugim oblicima jeftine stambene izgradnje, poverenica je izrazila mišljenje da izgradnja socijalnih stanova na ovim lokacijama predstavlјa solidan osnov za stambeno zbrinjavanje romskih porodica i početak njihove dalje integracije. Kako određivanje lokacija za socijalno stanovanje stvara preduslov za ostvarivanje prava Roma na adekvatno stanovanje, poverenica je Gradskoj upravi ukazala da bi se gornaveden način rešavanja stambenog pitanja u velikoj meri razlikovao od dosadašnje loše prakse, koja je često dovodila do stvaranja čisto romskih naselјa i segregacije Roma.

Na kraju, poverenica je izrazila očekivanja da će gradonačelnik iskoristiti sva svoja ovlašćenja i obezbediti da se prilikom određivanja lokacija za izgradnju socijalnih stanova vodi računa o određivanju dovoljnog broja adekvatnih lokacija koje će biti u skladu sa međunarodnim standardima i propisma kojima je ova oblast regulisana.

Preuzmite: Obraćanje poverenice za zaštitu ravnopravnosti Gradskoj upravi Grada Beograda

Dana 29. oktobra 2013. godine u Bujanovcu je održana tribina za pripadnike romske zajednice u okviru projekta „Ravnopravna šansa za bolje perspektive, jačanje romskog naroda u borbi protiv diskriminacije“ koji sprovodi Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti u saradnji sa Praxisom. Cilj ove informativne i edukativne kampanje jeste podizanje svesti i osnaživanje romske nacionalne manjine u borbi protiv diskriminacije. Tribini su prisustvovali predstavnici organizacija čije su aktivnosti usmerene na zaštitu i pomoć marginalizovanim i osetljivim društvenim grupama.

Nakon predstavljanja institucije, organizacije i nadležnosti, predstavnici Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti upoznali su prisutne sa pojmom diskriminacije i njenim oblicima. Na osnovu mnogobrojnih primera iz prakse u radu institucije, nastojali su da učesnicima tribine ukažu na razlike u ponašanjima koja predstavljaju diskriminaciju od onih koja to nisu i istovremeno pozvali prisutne da na pojavu kršenja prava na jednakost reaguju podnošenjem pritužbe, čak i onda kada nisu sigurni da je reč o diskriminaciji. Ukoliko je iz sadržaja pritužbe jasno da se ne radi o diskriminaciji, već o povredi nekog drugog prava, zaposleni u kancelariji Poverenika uputiće podnosioca pritužbe na nadležni organ kome bi trebalo da se obrati radi zaštite svojih prava. Ističući značaj podnošenja pritužbe Povereniku u sveobuhvatnoj borbi protiv diskriminacije i izgradnji tolerantnog društva, predstavnici Poverenika istakli su da je postupak besplatan i oslobođen formalnosti, kao i da se pritužba može podneti putem pošte.

Predstavnica Praxisa upoznala je učesnike tribine sa pojmom i sadržinom osnovnih ljudskih prava, kao i mehanizmima za pristup i zaštitu istih. Pored toga, ukazala je na najčešće probleme i prepreke u praksi, ističući loša sistemska rešenja ili manjkavosti u radu organa u postupcima za ostvarivanje prava kada je reč o osetljivim društvenim grupama, posebno Romima.

Aktivnim učešćem tokom tribine, iznoseći sopstvena iskustva i zapažanja, prisutni su istakli otežan i veoma često onemogućen pristup osnovnim ljudskim pravima. U osnovi, smatraju da su socijalno izopšteni i obespravljeni, te da su veoma često žrtve diskriminacije na osnovu pripadnosti romskoj nacionalnoj manjini. Ipak, među samim pripadnicima romske populacije svest o njihovom pravu na jednak tretman je nizak, a često se pojava diskriminacije minimizira i predstavlja kao društveno prihvatljivo ponašanje. Razlog takve pojave je najčešće strah od odmazde za ono lice koje bi se zbog kršenja prava na jednakost pritužilo.

Dana 8. novembra 2013. godine u Surdulici je održana javna tribina za pripadnike romske zajednice u okviru projekta Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti „Ravnopravna šansa za bolje perspektive, jačanje romskog naroda u borbi protiv diskriminacije“, koji se sprovodi u saradnji sa Praxisom.

Na izuzetno posećenom skupu predstavljene su nadležnosti Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti i mehanizmi zaštite od diskriminacije u Srbiji. U interaktivnoj diskusiji predstavljeni su konkretni slučajevi diskriminatornog ponašanja prema Romima, dok su predstavnici romske manjine i nevladinih organizacija koje se bave zaštitom njihovih prava, ohrabreni da u slučajevima diskriminacije podnesu pritužbu Povereniku.

Učesnici skupa su naveli da su često žrtve diskriminatornog ponašanja, naročito kada je u pitanju ostvarivanje prava na socijalnu zaštitu, odnosno da često postoji ćutanje uprave na njihove zahteve ili nejednak tretman. Sfera rada i zapošljavanja prepoznata je kao ključna oblast u kojoj se javlja diskriminacija. Prisutnima je detaljno objašnjen postupak pred Poverenikom i način za podnošenje pritužbe. Predstavnici kancelarije Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti naglasili su postojanje izrazite socijalne distance između romske populacije i neromskog stanovništva, te činjenicu da su Romi veoma često diskriminisani zbog svoje nacionalne pripadnosti. Uprkos tome, predočeno je da je broj podnetih pritužbi za zaštitu od diskriminacije od strane pripadnika romske nacionalne manjine zabrinjavajuće mali. Stoga je naglašena važnost preuzimanja aktivne uloge u borbi protiv diskriminacije od strane pripadnika ugrožene grupe. Istaknuto je da je postupak po pritužbi besplatan, da je ekspeditivan, da su zahtevi u pogledu forme pritužbe minimalni, u skladu sa čim je prisutnima sugerisano na dostupnost i jednostavnost postupka po pritužbi, kao instrumentu zaštite od diskriminacije. Predstavnci kancelarije Poverenika za zaštitu ravnopravnosti upoznali su prisutne sa tokom pojedinih postupaka koji su, zbog diskriminacije Roma, sprovedeni pred ovom institucijom, kao i sa najznačajnijim karakteristikama postupaka koji su pokrenuti pred nadležnim sudom.

Predstavnica Praxisa je, izlaganjem o problemima i preprekama koji se u praksi javljaju kada je u pitanju pristup osnovnim ljudskim pravima, doprinela predstavljanju predmetnog pitanja i inicirala diskusiju učesnika tribine o zapažanjima i iskustvima u navedenoj oblasti. Na osnovu komentara i stavova učesnika moglo se zaključiti da među pripadnicima romske zajednice svest o zabranjenosti diskriminacije postoji, ali je uočljiva potreba za preduzimanjem aktivnih mera kojima bi se romska populacija dodatno motivisala - kako u smislu upoznavanja sa raspoloživim mehanizmima zaštite svojih prava, tako i u pogledu spremnosti na preduzimanje konkretnih koraka unapređenja uslova života čitave romske zajednice. Takođe je zaključeno da treba još puno raditi na eliminisanju stereotipa i predrasuda koji prema Romima i dalje postoje.

Po završetku tribine predstavnici Poverenika i Praxisa posetili su romsko naselje Gornja mahala, čiji su najmlađi stanovnici učestvovali u filmskom projektu „Jednaki" – omnibusu od 8 kratkih filmova koji za temu imaju dečija prava i probleme kojima su pogođena deca, a čiju je realizaciju podržao Poverenik za zaštitu ravnopravnosti.

Nаcrt Zаkоnа о bеsplаtnој prаvnој pоmоći, trеći pо rеdu, ukоlikо budе usvојеn, dоvеšćе dо tоgа dа ćе rеtkо kо ispuniti uslоvе zа bеsplаtnо аdvоkаtskо zаstupаnjе, а аkо i ispuni uslоvе, nеćе biti pružаlаcа tе pоmоći. Zbоg оdrеdbi kојimа sе rеgulišе rаd budućih pružаlаcа bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći, i prеtnji nоvčаnim kаznаmа dо miliоn dinаrа, tеškо dа ćе biti zаintеrеsоvаnih аdvоkаtа, prаvnih klinikа i nеvlаdinih оrgаnizаciја sprеmnih dа pоd prеdlоžеnim uslоvimа оvu vrstu pоmоći pružајu grаđаnimа.

Nacrt Zаkоnа о bеsplаtnој prаvnој pоmоći sаdrži nеkоlikо klјučnih nеdоstаtаkа: spоrnо dеfinisаnjе kоrisnikа bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći i kоmplikоvаn pоstupаk krоz kојi оni mоrајu dа prоđu dа bi оstvаrili prаvо nа bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć, izbоr Cеntаrа zа sоciјаlni rаd kао оrgаnа uprаvе kојi rеšаvа pо zаhtеvimа zа bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć, tе kаznеnе оdrеdbе kоје prеdstаvlјајu prеtnju zа svе оnе kојi su dо sаdа prо bоnо pružаli prаvnu pоmоć, а kојi sе ni u nоvоm zаkоnu nеćе finаnsirаti nа tеrеt budžеtа Rеpublikе Srbiје

Оčеkuје sе, dаklе, оd nајsirоmаšniјih i sоciјаlnо ugrоžеnih grаđаnа dа znајu dа li uоpštе imајu prаvо nа bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć pо оvоm zаkоnu, а dа zаtim, u sklаdu sа Ustаvоm, nаvеdu kоје im је prаvо ili slоbоdа pоvrеđеnо i dа tо svе pоpunе u fоrmulаru?!

Pоpunjаvаnjе fоrmulаrа ćе biti prоblеm i zа оsоbе sа invаliditеtоm, kао i оnе kоје su prinudnо hоspitаlizоvаnе ili prоtiv kојih sе vоdi pоstupаk zа lišеnjе pоslоvnе spоsоbnоsti.

Nacrt zаkоnа, tаkоđе, prеdviđа dа kоrisnici zаhtеv zа bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć pоdnоsе nаdlеžnоm Cеntru zа sоciјаlni rаd, kојi је dužаn dа u rоku оd 7 dаnа, оdnоsnо 48 sаti u hitnim slučајеvimа, dоnеsе rеšеnjе kојim оvај zаhtеv usvаја ili оdbiја.

Cеntri zа sоciјаlni rаd vеć sаdа imајu prеvеliki оbim pоslа, а svi kојimа је pоznаtо stаnjе u cеntrimа zа sоciјаlni rаd оdličnо znајu dа cеntri nеćе biti u mоgućnоsti dа оdgоvоrе nа prеdviđеnе rоkоvе i dа prоcеnjuјu ispunjеnоst uslоvа zа pružаnjе оvе pоmоći. Cеntri zа sоciјаlni rаd bi, prilikоm оdlučivаnjа о tоmе kо imа prаvо nа bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć, čеstо bili i u sukоbu intеrеsа sа pоtеnciјаlnim kоrisnicimа bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći.

Nacrtom zаkоnа prеdviđеnа је rеgistrаciјa svih pružаlаcа, uz оdrеđеnjе dа držаvа nеćе plаćаti pružаnjе primаrnе prаvnе pоmоći (dаvаnjе prаvnih sаvеtа, pisаnjе tužbi i pоdnеsаkа). Оvdе sе nе ubrајајu lоkаlnе sаmоuprаvе kоје su dužnе dа iz sоpstvеnih srеdstаvа оbеzbеdе оstvаrivаnjе оvоg prаvа.

Kаd је rеč о pružаоcimа sеkundаrnе bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći (zаstupаnjе nа sudu i mеdiјаciја), Nacrt zаkоnа prеdviđа dа ćе držаvа finаnsirаti tu vrstu pоmоći оndа kаdа је u pоstupku оdlučеnо u kоrist kоrisnikа i kаdа је sud dоnео оdluku о nаdоknаdi trоškоvа pružеnе bеsplаtnе pоmоći nа tеrеt drugе strаnе. Dаklе, rаd аdvоkаtа ćе biti plаćеn sаmо аkо sе ispunе оvа dvа uslоvа.

Svојim kаznеnim оdrеdbаmа оvај prеdlоg zаkоnа ćе sigurnо dоvеsti dо smаnjеnjа vеć iоnаkо mаlоg brоја pružаlаcа bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći u Srbiјi, јеr zаštо bi ikо rizikоvао dа pružа оvu vrstu pоmоći i prо bоnо kаdа mu sе prеti drаkоnskim nоvčаnim kаznаmа dо miliоn dinаrа.

Nеvlаdinе оrgаnizаciје kоје pružајu bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć grаđаnimа Srbiје јаvnо izrаžаvајu zаbrinutоst zbоg prеdlоžеnih оdrеdbi оvоg zаkоnа kојimа ćе sе sаsvim sigurnо uticаti nа аutоnоmiјu udružеnjа grаđаnа i kоје prеdstаvlјајu оzbilјnu prеtnju zа budući sistеm pružаlаcа bеsplаtnе prаvnе pоmоći.

Zbоg svеgа iznеtоg, zаkоn sе mоrа hitnо vrаtiti nа dоrаdu. Оvаkаv kаkаv је, nаprаvićе višе štеtе nеgо kоristi!

Preuzmite saopštenje za medije: Nеvlаdinе оrgаnizаciје kоје pružајu bеsplаtnu prаvnu pоmоć оštrо kritikuјu Nаcrt Zаkоnа о bеsplаtnој prаvnој pоmоći

četvrtak, 24 maj 2012 00:00

Generations without Nationality

Two statelessness-related events took place in Belgrade this April, with an aim to greet Serbia’s recent accession to the Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness and once again remind the public of the problem of persons not recognized as citizens of any country.

First, Greg Constantine’s exhibition Nowhere People opened on 2 April – a series of captivating photos that depicted the unforgettable faces and stories of some of the world’s most vulnerable stateless groups. Each of those moving pictures was followed by an even more moving explanation about deprivation that stateless communities face because of denied nationality. Greg Constantine himself flawlessly introduced their plight with Hannah Arendt’s words equating their state of being “stripped of citizenship” with a state of “being stripped of worldliness”.

On the following day, a seminar on statelessness took place at the Belgrade Faculty of Law. The seminar was initiated by UNCHR as a part of the Refugee Legal Clinic project where the sixth generation of students of this programme had an opportunity to learn about the essence and scope of this problem in the world from experts in this field – Laura van Waas, Senior Researcher and Manager of the Statelessness Programme at the Tilburg Law School, and Mirna Adjami, Senior Statelessness Advisor at UNHCR HQ in Geneva. On the other side, Davor Rako from UNHCR Serbia Legal Protection Unit and Ivanka Kostic, Praxis Executive Director, explained how this problem affects Serbia, introduced Praxis’ and UNCHR’s activities related to persons at risk of statelessness, and, above all, clarified who persons at risk of statelessness in Serbia are.

Among those persons, we can find those who had once been registered in citizenship registry books, but these records were destroyed. Others are facing difficulties in proving the fact of their birth and origin. Even though they mostly do have a connection with a country which is sufficient for acquiring citizenship, and the “only” step separating them from acquiring the nationality is going through various procedures, many do not manage to make that step – to prove their earlier registration in citizenship registry books or their identity and origin.

The plight is even more serious among those who have a connection with more than one country. Their difficulties can be easily shown in the following Praxis case – the case of Behara, her daughter Ajsha and grandson Rahman.

Behara is from Macedonia, but has lived in Serbia since the 1980’s. After the dissolution of former Yugoslavia, she couldn`t acquire Serbian citizenship because of the impossibility of registering her residence. Later she discovered that she was not registered as a Macedonian citizen either. Behara’s daughter Ajsha grew up undocumented. Two years ago, she finally obtained a birth certificate, but remained without citizenship – because of her mother’s unresolved status. While still undocumented, Ajsha gave birth to her son Rahman. The procedure of his registration is still on-going but its outcome and Rahman’s nationality status remain unpredictable. The answer to the question of Rahman’s nationality could be given only after the citizenship of his mother Ajsa is determined, which will be possible only after the determination of her mother Behara’s citizenship. In order to determine Behara’s citizenship, it is first necessary to determine her parents’ citizenship. But they passed away and only their names are known. The final answer to the question about Rahman’s and Ajsha’s citizenship lies somewhere among the four generations of persons with no determined citizenship, connections with the two countries and endless difficulties with proving the citizenship of Rahman’s grandmother and Ajsha’s mother Behara whose undetermined citizenship triggered a whole series. As long as this uncertainty lasts, they are deprived of basic human rights.

Behara, Rahman and Ajsha are only three out of some 3,000 persons identified by Praxis who face similar risks.

Turning back again to the aforementioned seminar, both Laura van Waas and Mirna Adjami have pointed out that a significant part of the fight against statelessness is its identification, as well as the prevention of statelessness among those who are in danger of remaining without a nationality. Similar motivation lies behind Praxis’ attempts to make visible the problems of people like Ajsha, Rahman and Behara – it comes from convictions that the prevention of statelessness and full respect for the right to a nationality will be possible only if all those whose right to a nationality is being violated are made visible and if we keep on striving to find ways to improve the position of all those who are unprotected due to their disputed nationality. Behara’s case depicts how easily one unresolved nationality status may lead to new generations of persons whose basic human rights are denied because of vague nationality and warns us how important it is to react before someone is permanently “stripped of worldliness”.

See the blog on ENS website

Blog by Ivanka Kostic, Praxis Executive Director, published on ENS website

Estimates suggest that there are several thousand people living in Serbia today, predominantly Roma, both children and adults, displaced and domiciled, who are not registered in birth registry books and who are therefore not recognized as persons before the law. We call them the “legally invisible“. They have no rights, including no access to health care, social welfare, education and employment; they cannot vote in elections, appear as parties before courts or other state bodies, register their residence or register the birth of their children. Finally, the legally invisible are at a risk of statelessness.

UNHCR’s latest survey on persons at risk of statelessness in Serbia finds that  1.5 % of the Roma population are not registered in birth registry books, 5.4% have no ID cards and 2.3% are not registered in citizens’ registries. The number of Roma residing in Serbia will be known only after the 2011 Census results, announced to be gradually released from mid-2012 until the end of 2013. According to the 2002 Census, there were 108,193 citizens living in Serbia who declared themselves members of the Roma national minority. UNHCR’s survey considers the estimations quoted by non-governmental organizations, and by the Serbian Government, that the number of Roma ranges from 250,000 to 4500,000, and that approximately 30,000 Roma are facing a risk of statelessness.

As a consequence of a life lived in poverty and social exclusion, many Roma have not registered the birth of their children in due time or they have failed to do so owing to a lack of information about deadlines, procedures, ways of obtaining necessary documents, or the impossibility to cover the costs of procedures. Besides, living in informal settlements, many of them have not managed to register a permanent residence and obtain the ID cards which are necessary when registering children’s birth. Some persons have not had the financial means to obtain necessary documentation from their place of birth or place of previous residence.

The current law of Serbia is insufficient to address the situational reality of many legally invisible persons. Roma children are often born at home, thus evidence of their birth does not even exist in the records of health institutions. If parents missed the 30-day deadline to register birth, their only option is to initiate an administrative procedure of late birth registration, which is not adequately regulated by the law. It is usually an unreasonably lengthy procedure with an unpredictable outcome. Further, the law does not prescribe how to subsequently register the birth of a person who does not know anything about his/her birth or parents. Neither does the law regulate how to register an adult whose parents have deceased or abandoned him/her in childhood. It does not state who is authorized to initiate a procedure of late birth registration for a child born out of wedlock, who has been abandoned by his/her mother. These are only some of the situations where legally invisible persons cannot be registered in birth registry books due to lack of a legal framework for these situations.

Praxis has been intensively advocating for years for Serbia to remove existing legal gaps and obstacles to universal birth registration, ensure birth registration of all children born within its territory and to adopt a simple and accelerated procedure for late birth registration for legally invisible persons. The first positive step was made in late January 2012 when the Government of Serbia submitted the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Proceedings to the Parliament for adoption. The proposed amendments are the result of joint work by the Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, Praxis and the Ombudsperson’s office.

The law would cover many of the problems with late birth registration raised above. Under the draft law, persons who have been unable to register within 3 months of their request in an administrative procedure would be allowed to initiate a court procedure requesting a late birth registration. The involvement of the parents is not requested and the fact of birth can be determined even if personal data regarding parents is unknown. Additionally, the procedure is urgent, with short deadlines and the administrative body is obliged to enforce a final court decision in the birth registry book within 3 days of its receipt. A person who initiates the procedure is exempted from fees and other costs of the proceedings.

Unfortunately, the Draft Law has not reached the parliament agenda prior to the Serbian elections in May. When it will find its place on the agenda of the new Parliament and whether it will be adopted remains to be seen. 

At the same time and with the aim of preventing generations of new legally invisible persons, an improvement of the administrative procedure of birth registration of new born children is also required. In order to register a child, parents, or at least, the mother, must possess valid ID card. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that all children are registered in birth registry books immediately after their birth regardless of the status of their parents, whether they possess personal documents or not. Such a provision would bring Serbia into compliance with Article 7 of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

So far there has been serious opposition within the relevant Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-government responsible for the issues of civil registration to improve the administrative procedure of birth registration in compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. What kind of approach to this important issue the new Government will have is yet to be seen.

See the blog on ENS website

ponedeljak, 20 avgust 2012 00:00

Giving a Face to the Invisible

Blog by Jelena Petrovic, Praxis Programme Assistant, published on ENS website

The true personal testimonies of the Roma unregistered at birth translated into the documentary Here I Am found their way this summer to the hearts of many.

The international film festival Supetar Super Film Festival held on the island of Brac in Croatia in mid-July, presented a diverse range of international documentary classics. The documentary Here I Am produced by Praxis in cooperation with Dokukino was presented together with twelve other documentaries originating from Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Bosnia, Great Britain, the Czech Republic and Croatia. (The Importance of) Hair by the Swedish director Christina Hoglund won the first place, the second was granted to the documentary Bye ByeC’estFini by the Swedish director Tora Martens, while Praxis’ documentary Here I Am directed by Irena Fabri won the third place.  It is extremely important to mention that it was the audience award, the award given by randomly assembled tourists who came to Supetar for their summer holidays.

The documentary Here I Am emerged as a Praxis’ desire to vividly illustrate the real torment of the legally invisible persons (persons whose birth is not registered) whose daily life is intertwined with serious existential problems. Indeed, it was an opportunity to give a face to the problems of the Roma who lack birth registration, personal documents and adequate housing and are at risk of statelessness. Praxis and Dokukino’s team visited several informal settlements while preparing for the shooting and talked to the residents. The documentary actually tried to depict the lives of legally invisible Roma living in informal settlements by letting some of them tell their own life stories. The survival of these people living on the margins of the society is often motivated by their hope and faith, as apparently the only identity they truly own. The documentary puts us, at least for 25 minutes, in their shoes, gives us the opportunity to experience the despair of not having a recognized legal personality, to feel the uncertainty of tomorrow but yet share their wishful thinking and seemingly strong desire to believe in the visible future. The documentary shows what impediments you need to overcome when you want to prove your identity, the identity of your mother or your child by purely “catching your visibility” hovering somewhere in between. Praxis actually wanted to show to the viewers of this documentary how difficult the problem of legal invisibility is and also to give a chance to these people to speak for themselves.

To remind, estimates say that about several thousand people live nowadays in Serbia without being registered in birth registry books, and who are therefore denied a fundamental human right – the right to be recognized as a person before the law. They lack personal identification documents and have no access to rights and services as citizens, even though they may have lived in the same place for generations. They suffer multiple deprivations and violations of rights as a direct result of not having a recognized identity and nationality.

Much effort has to be put in order to raise awareness about the problem and instigate the state to take responsibility and finally provide an effective systemic solution. In that regard, this documentary will serve as an excellent advocacy tool. Also, Praxis is planning to promote the documentary at other film festivals in the country and abroad.

It yet remains to hope that such a remarkably visible recognition of this documentary will somehow affect the solution of this burning issue by making the invisible become visible and legally recognized persons before the law. Hopefully, the state will have at least the same empathy for its citizens as the audience in Supetar had for the legally invisible Roma in the documentary.

See the blog on ENS website

Blog by Ivanka Kostic, Praxis Executive Director, published on ENS website

After years of advocacy efforts in drawing the attention of the state to the extremely difficult position of persons who failed to subsequently register in the birth registry on the grounds of the existing laws, as well as requests for the adoption of an adequate, accelerated and facilitated procedure as a systemic solution to the problem of the legally invisible, some progress has been made. 

On the 31st of August the Serbian Parliament finally adopted Amendments to the Law on Non-Contentious Procedure prescribing a court procedure for the determination of the date and place of birth of persons who are not registered in the birth registry. The amendments were adopted only 3 months after the constitution of the new Serbian parliament.

While this is an extremely important initiative, it is only the first step towards solving the problem of several thousands of legally invisible persons in Serbia, children and adults, who are at the same time at risk of statelessness. The vast majority belong to the Roma ethnic minority and many have been living in the same place for generations.

It still remains to be seen whether the new non-contentious procedure will be efficiently implemented and if the legally invisible will benefit from this new court procedure. It is also of crucial importance to see the way the regulations relating to acquisition and determination of citizenship will be implemented in these cases.

According to the adopted amendments, a person who has not been registered in the birth registry and cannot prove the date and the place of his/her birth in an administrative procedure for late birth registration can initiate a court procedure for determination of the date and the place of his/her birth (procedure for “proving the fact of birth”).

In this procedure, a legally invisible person shall provide the court with the following personal details: his/her name and gender, as well as the date and the place of his/her birth, if known, and evidence proving those facts or making them probable. Also other facts which can facilitate the determination of the fact of birth should be provided to the court if available,   such as personal data of his/her parents, cousins, spouse, etc.

If the date and hour of birth of a person not registered into the birth registry cannot be established, the person shall be considered to have been born on 1 January at 00:01 hours of the year that is the probable year of his/her birth. Also, if his/her place of birth cannot be established, he/she shall be considered born in the municipality or the town in the territory of which the person is likely to have been born.

The court shall examine at least two witnesses of age who have identity documents with a photo (ID card, passport). The final court decision shall state the name and the surname of the person whose birth is being proved, his/her gender, and the day, month, year, hour and place of birth, including data about his/her parents, if known.

The court shall deliver its final decision on the date and the place of birth to the competent registrar in order for this body to register the fact of birth in the birth registry.

However, according to these amendments the Ministry of Interior, which is in charge of conducting the procedure for acquisition/determination of Serbian citizenship, is not bound by the final court decision on the date and place of birth! In practical terms, this means that despite being finally registered in the birth registry, one can still be at risk of statelessness and remain undocumented, with no access to basic rights. This is due to the fact that, in order to obtain an ID card, which is a precondition for accessing rights, one should also have Serbian citizenship (as well as a registered residence).

Some persons might have significant problems in proving their right to Serbian citizenship in the event that they have no proof related to their parents’ citizenship. This time they will not be struggling to access the right to be recognized as a person before the law, but to the right to a nationality instead. They will have to initiate another cumbersome and lengthy administrative procedure for the determination of citizenship with an uncertain outcome, unless the state decides to give amnesty to several thousand persons at risk of statelessness and grant them Serbian citizenship. Only this can be the final solution to the problem of the legally invisible. Otherwise, they will be recognized neither as stateless persons, nor citizens of Serbia - they will remain in legal limbo, unable to access their basic rights.

See the blog on ENS website

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