Other reports

Friday, 29 July 2016

Challenges of the Migrant-Refugee Crisis from the Perspective of CSOs - Group 484

The publication "Challenges of the Migrant-Refugee Crisis from the Perspective of CSOs" was created as part of the project "Networking and Capacity Building for More Effective Migration Policy in Serbia", implemented by Group 484 with the support of the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Belgrade. The project is implemented in partnership with the Belgrade Centre for Human Rights and Belgrade Centre for Security Policy.

Observations and recommendations given in the publication are based on the findings obtained through the continuous presence at the hotspots where a large number of refugees and migrants stayed, and confirmed through joint monitoring visits, collected information and discussions with decision makers. The following partner organisations contributed to the creation of this publication: the Belgrade Centre for Security Policy (BCSP) and Belgrade Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (ASTRA), Autonomous Women’s Center (AŽC), Balkan Centre for Migration and Humanitarian Activities (BCM), the Initiative for Development and Cooperation (IDC), International Aid Network (IAN), Novi Sad Humanitarian Centre (NSHC), PRAXIS and Humanitarian Centre for Integration and Tolerance (HCIT), which were committed toparticipating in the implementation of numerous project activities.

Download the report here.

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