Praxis Watch

Monday, 21 September 2015

European Network on Statelessness Conducts the Campaign “No Child Should be Stateless”

The European Network on Statelessness, which represents over fifty civil society organisations from across Europe, is spearheading a new campaign: 'None of Europe's Children should be Stateless' to raise awareness and promote positive solutions on the issue.

Within the campaign, the (ENS) published a new report No Child Should be Stateless, which reveals that thousands of children are growing up without the basic protection a nationality offers to citizens because of gaps in nationality laws and laws governing procedures for birth registration. The report, which draws on extensive analysis of nationality laws in all 47 Council of Europe states, details a worrying array of problems and makes a series of recommendations designed to guide actions to address – and ultimately end – childhood statelessness in Europe.

For more information, see the announcement: Campaign “No Child Should be Stateless” by European Network on Statelessness

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action