Praxis Watch

Thursday, 7 May 2015

Vecernje novosti Daily Vioalated the Code of Ethics of Journalists of Serbia

The Appeals Commission of the Press Council has established that Vecernje novosti Daily has violated the Code of Ethics of Journalists of Serbia by publishing the article entitled “Horror in Smederevo: Roma in Sexual Relation with a Girl”. This article was published on 17 March 2015 in the printed edition in the section “Local News” and on 18 March 2015 in online edition.

NGO Praxis and Standing Conference of Roma Associations of Citizens SKRUG – The League of Roma lodged a complaint to the Appeals Commission of the Press Council, stating that national affiliation of the suspected for a criminal act must not be mentioned, unless it is in direct relation with the type and nature of committed crime. The complainants are of the opinion that the stated article incites discrimination, hatred and violence towards the members of Roma national minority. 

The Appeals Commission adopted the appeal and reached a decision that Vecernje novosti Daily violated the Code of Ethics of Journalists of Serbia. Vecernje novosti Daily was ordered to publish this decision in the third issue from the day of delivery of decision at latest, and within seven days in online edition.

Praxis welcomes the decision of the Appeals Commission and draws attention of the media that stating personal characteristics of the suspected persons or victims is not in line with ethical standard of professional acting of journalists and must not be stated, unless it is in direct connection with the nature of the committed crime.

For more information, see the announcement: Vecernje novosti Daily Violated the Code of Ethics of Journalists of Serbia

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