Praxis Watch

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Increase of Fee for Acquisition of Citizenship Avoided

With Praxis assistance, a citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina avoided unreasonable payment of two times higher fee for the acquisition of the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia.

Specifically, the citizen of Bosnia and Herzegovina addressed the police department in Kraljevo in relation to submission of the request for the admission into the citizenship of the Republic of Serbia. On that occasion, the employees in the police department informed him that he needed to pay the fee for the acquisition of the citizenship in the amount of 17,380.00 RSD, which is two times higher amount than stipulated. Praxis reacted immediately by pointing to the police department in Kraljevo that Federal Republic Yugoslavia and Bosna and Herzegovina had signed the agreement on dual citizenship (The Official Gazette of FRY – International Agreements, no. 2/2003) and that the fee for the decision on acquisition of citizenship of the Republic of Serbia on the basis of international agreements is 8,840.00 RSD, and thus the payment of two times higher amount of the fee was avoided.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action