Praxis Watch

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Eviction of IDPs from Informal Collective Centre “Pionirski grad”

Praxis, with support of 35 CSOs and two networks gathering 167 CSOs, sent the request to the competent authorities to prevent eviction of internally displaced persons from the informal collective centre “Pionirski grad” during the winter period, and to find durable and sustainable solutions for refugees and IDPs threatened with homelessness.

Praxis notes that the evictions of IDPs and refugees are being conducted from the informal Collective Centre “Pionirski grad”, and they will continue during the winter period.  It is expected that 63 persons will be evicted in the following period, which is contrary to international standards that are binding on Serbia. Children, single parents, the old, the unemployed, socially vulnerable, persons with disabilities and persons of poor health have been evicted.

Unfortunately, the authorities lacked the understanding and willpower to prevent the homelessness. Ultimately, they found that evictions were unavoidable and that there will be a future opportunity to solve the housing issue in the future. The only support came from the Office for Human and Minority Rights, several independent institutions, the Ombudsperson and the Commissioner for Protection of Equality. The Office for Human and Minority Rights informed us that it had made aware the competent institutions to the need to provide alternative accommodation in such cases in order to ensure the enjoyment of the right to housing.

In the following period, Praxis will continue providing free legal aid to IDPs in eviction procedures and monitor the evictions.   

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action