Praxis in media

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Children without Address - Politika Daily

Jelena Petrović, Coordinator of Child Rights Programme in Praxis, said for Politika Daily that Roma children are still facing a series of problems in access to the right to education, even though inclusion has been a legal obligation for years. She reminded that children from informal settlement, who do not have an “official” address, face special difficulties, particularly the children who are not registered in birth registry books. Therefore, it is not possible to send to the parents a call to enroll their children in the preparatory school programme or the first grade. Affected by poverty, Roma children do not have even basic living conditions, which makes their education more difficult, and they are recognized as one of the most discriminated groups in the field of education. Also, practice has shown that discrimination often comes from the teaching staff.

Read the statement in Politika Daily.

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