Praxis in media

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

International Roma Day: Still Doomed to Destitution and Discrimination – Radio Free Europe

On the occasion of marking the International Roma Day, at the press conference in Media Centre the conclusions of the “Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of Position of Roma with Recommendations” prepared by the Ombudsperson were presented.

On that occasion, Ivana Stankovic, Praxis Programme Coordinator, talked about the problems related to exercise of status and socioeconomic rights of Roma population. She also talked about complicated procedures for exercise of the right to cash social assistance with special reference to the obligation to file a lawsuit against relatives who are obliged to provide financial support. Ivana also added that practice showed that officials are often unsensitized and that no one can guarantee that Roma will not be discriminated in schools or that they will not be discriminated each time they try to find a job.

In the end, Ivana added: “If you go and visit an informal Roma settlement and try to assess what has been done from the aspect of a daily life of an individual, you will see that we all still have to work together a lot”.

Read the whole news here.
Download: Report on Implementation of the Strategy for Improvement of Position of Roma with Recommendations

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