Praxis in media

Friday, 29 November 2013

Roma – Legally Invisible Persons in Birth Registry Books until 2015 – Press

On the occasion of the completion of the three-year project “Contribution to Social Inclusion and Combat against Discrimination of Marginalized Population in Serbia”, funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis held a press conference “Social inclusion – progress and challenges” in Media Centre. The report on the progress made in exercise of status and socioeconomic rights was also presented at the press conference. 

"There are positive changes in legal solutions, but there are still many challenges ahead of us in order to improve the life of legally invisible persons in Serbia”, Ivanka Kostic, Praxis Deputy Director, said at the press conference.

Talking about the position of Roma, Jasmina Mikovic, Praxis Deputy Director, warned that they are exposed to attacks and open hate speech, stating that the survey conducted within this project, which included 1,527 persons, showed that social workers are also prone to discirmiantory behaviour.

See the news: Roma - Legally Invisible Persons in Birth Registry Books until 2015

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