Praxis in media

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Praxis' Interview for Balkan Refugee Voice

Praxis Executive Director, Ivanka Kostic, gave an interview for Balkan Refugee Voice, a publication of the Pokret za slobodu – Freedom Fight informs readers about the living conditions of refugees living in Serbia, about the Readmission Agreement signed by Serbia and the EU, about Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from Kosovo and the Erased from Slovenia.

Ivanka Kostic drew attention to the burning issue of existence of a great number of legally invisible persons, i.e.  persons who are not registered into birth registry books and, thus, unable to enjoy their basic human rights. On that occasion, Ms Kostic spoke about the unequal practice of courts and administrative bodies in procedures of subsequent registration into birth registry books, and stated that those procedures lasted long and were complex, often with uncertain outcome. Ms Kostic pointed out the necessity of finding the systemic solution to this issue, that is, the need to legally regulate the procedure for recognition of persons before the law in a simple and efficient manner. In addition, she spoke about the basic problems that internally displaced persons from Kosovo and returnees upon readmission agreements from Western Europe face in accessing documents.

Download: The Interview with Ivanka Kostic

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