Praxis in media

Friday, 4 August 2017

Insufficiently Developed Role of the Media - Ibarske novosti

An informative meeting was held with media representatives in the City Administration in order to highlight the importance of public administration reform and the role of the media in that process, as one of the activities of the project Contributing to Public Administration Reform in Kraljevo, implemented by Praxis within the framework of  the Western Balkans Enabling Project for Civil Society Monitoring of Public Administration Reform (WeBER), financed by the European Union and co-financed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Marija Dražović, Praxis Legal Advisor, informed the participants about the importance of public administration reform in the EU accession process as one of the priority tasks that Serbia needed to perform successfully in the process of joining the European Union.

Jasmina Miković, Praxis Deputy Executive Director, spoke about the role of civil society organisations and the media and emphasised their importance in raising awareness and knowledge of citizens about the progress of reforms and their significance for the European integration process through responsible and informed monitoring and reporting.

Media representatives emphasised that they recognised the importance of their participation in the process of public administration reform, but also the low level of awareness among citizens about the effects of successful reforms on their everyday lives.

The text is available here.

U Gradskoj upravi održan je informativni sastanak sa predstavnicima medija, u cilju ukazivanja na značaj reforme javne uprave i uloge medija u procesu aktivnosti na projektu Doprinos reformi javne uprave u Kraljevu, koji Praxis sprovodi u okviru Projekta unapređivanja kapaciteta civilnog društva Zapadnog Balkana za praćenje reforme javne uprave (WeBER), koji finansira Evropska unija, a sufinansira Kraljevina Holandija.

Marija Dražović, pravna savetnica u Praxisu, upoznala je učesnike sa značajem koji reforma javne uprave ima u procesu pridruživanju EU, kao i da predstavlja jedan od prioritetnih zadataka koje Srbija treba uspešno da savlada u tom procesu. 

O ulozi koju organizacije civilnog društva i medija imaju kao i njihov značaj da kroz odgovorno i informisano praćenje i izveštavanje podižu nivo svesti i informisanosti građana o napretku reformi i njihovom značaju za proces evropskih integracija govorila je Jasmina Miković, zamenica izvršne direktorke Praxisa. 

Predstavnici medija su istakli da prepoznaju značaj njihovog učešća u procesu reforme javne uprave, ali i nizak stepen svesti građana o efektima koje uspešne reforme imaju na njihov svakodnevni život. 

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