Praxis in media

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Presentation of Report and Findings of UNHCR and Praxis Workshops - Danas Daily

Representatives of Danas daily were present at the conference held by Praxis after completion of the project "Legal Assistance to Persons at Risk of Statelessness in Serbia" in order to point out to the outstanding problems and challenges faced by the Roma community in accessing status rights, and to present the activities performed in the area of child, early and forced marriages. 

Danas daily reported that "according to the findings of 2014 research conducted by UNICEF, the percentage of Roma girls who married before the age of 18 is 57, compared to 6.8% of non-Roma girls. Praxis representatives state that the actual number is considered to be much bigger. In addition, the statistical data show that about 4 percent of the girls gave birth before the age of 15 and as much as 38 percent of the girls currently in the age group 20-24 gave birth before the age of 18.” 

Read the text at the web portal  

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action