Social & Economic rights

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Report on Expert Debate European Good Practices: Advocacy Tool in Serbia Published

In February 2012, Praxis issued the Report on the expert debate European good practices: advocacy tool in Serbia, which came as a result of the implementation of the project European Good Practices: Advocacy Tool in Serbia, financed by the European Union as a part of the programme Support to Civil Society.

Praxis, in partnership with the Heinrich Böll Foundation, the Regional Centre for Minorities and Dokukino, organised in Belgrade, on 29 and 30 September 2011, a two-day expert debate in order to discuss the acknowledgment of the right to be recognised as a person before the law and the fulfilment of the right to adequate housing in Serbia. The aim of the debate and this report is to contribute to finding systemic solutions, in line with the European practices, which would enable the unimpeded enjoyment of these rights. 

The invited European experts presented the examples of good practice and participated in discussion with their colleagues from Serbia on possible ways to solve the problem of legally invisible persons in Serbia as well as the problem of forced evictions that have recently increased in Serbia. 

The two-day debate gathered some 80 participants, including the representatives of state bodies, non-governmental and international organisations. 

The representatives of the following state institutions attended the event: the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government – Directorate for Human and Minority Rights, the Ministry of Interior, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, as well as the representatives of the Ombudsperson and the Commissioner for the Protection of Equality. 

The experts of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights, Public Administration and Local Self-Government who deal with the issue of registry books and subsequent registration into registry books were also invited to the debate but none of them appeared.

Download: Report on the Expert Debate European Good Practices: Advocacy Tool in Serbia






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