Social & Economic rights

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Beginning of the Implementation of the Project “Improving the Position of Roma Men and Women in the Labour Market in the City of Kraljevo”

The City of Kraljevo, in partnership with the non-governmental organisation Praxis, has been implementing a fifteen-month project "Improving the Position of Roma Men and Women in the Labour Market in the City of Kraljevo” since 4 September 2019. The project is implemented as part of a grant scheme under the programme "EU Support to Roma Inclusion - Empowering Local Communities for Roma Inclusion", funded by the European Union and implemented by the Standing Conference of Towns and Municipalities.

The main goal of the project is to contribute to improving the social and economic status of the Roma population in Kraljevo by improving employment conditions through the enhancement of professional competences and competitiveness in the labour market and combating discrimination in the employment of Roma men and women.

In accordance with this goal, the activities will be implemented to strengthen the capacity of members of the Roma national minority to actively seek employment by raising their professional competences through training and the provision of information on rights in the field of work and employment, including the rights to equality in these areas. Moreover, a survey on the position of the Roma population, especially Roma women in the labour market, will be conducted, and its findings and their analysis will serve to produce a study on the challenges of exercising the right to work and employment, as well as on creating equal opportunities for exercising these rights. The main survey findings, conclusions and recommendations will be presented to all relevant stakeholders, as well as to the general public, with the aim of advocating for the improvement of the overall position of Roma men and women and establishing equal opportunities for the exercise of their rights.

A special group of activities is focused on a media campaign aimed at combating discrimination against Roma men and women in the field of employment, which means that in the project implementation period special attention will be paid to promoting the goals and results of activities in cooperation with representatives of local media, as well as publishing project information in electronic media, on the website and social media of Praxis.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action