
Thursday, 10 June 2010

Information about Work of Administrative Bodies in Serbia Administering Registry Books from Kosovo

City Administration of Nis is competent for administering registry books for the following municipalities: Pristina, Podujevo, Glogovac, Obilic, Lipljan and Kosovo Polje. Registry Office is located in Nis, in the building of the municipal administration of the Red Cross Municipality, 89 12th of February Street.

Registry Office works with parties every weekday, except Monday, from 8am to 1pm. A request for issuance of documents can be submitted in person or by a close family member, adoptive parent or guardian. Registry books are not automated. Due to a great number of requests for issuance of documents, registrars are not able to issue documents on the same day, but one has to wait for documents for a few days. Queues of people waiting to submit requests are long, one has to wait from early morning and for a few hours. Registry Office responds to requests sent via mail within 30 days. If documents are needed for one of the purposes prescribed in the Article 19 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees, parties are exempt from paying the republic administrative fee, but still obliged to pay city administrative fee for issuance of documents.

Deadline for proceeding in cases of reconstruction of destroyed or lost registry books has been extended until the end of 2010. Administrative body has not yet received the instructions from the Ministry of Interior on proceeding upon requests for re-registration in citizenship registry book.

City Administration of Kragujevac is competent for administering registry books for the following municipalities: Pec, Istok and Klina. Registry Office is located in Kragujevac, 76/A Svetozara Markovica Street.

Registry Office works with parties every weekday from 8am to 3pm, while the department competent for proceeding in cases of re-registration in registry books works with parties until 1pm. Registry books are automated and documents are issued within an hour from submitting a request. The Registry Office responds to requests sent via mail within 10-15 days. It is also possible to submit a request for issuance of documents through a virtual registrar, with costs of delivery of valuable mail being additionally charged. The Registry Office does not charge costs of republic administrative fees for issuance of documents needed for purposes prescribed in Article 19 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees. There are no city administrative fees for issuance of registry books excerpts.

Due to errors made in entering records in the period when registry books were administered in Kosovo, in some cases, records in registry books are either incorrect or incomplete and it is necessary to conduct the procedure of correction of data in registry books.

Deadline for reconstruction of registry books has been extended and the Registry Office proceeds upon requests for re-registration in birth, marriage, death and citizenship registry books.

City Administration of Kraljevo is competent for administering registry books for the following municipalities: Kosovska Mitrovica, Srbica, Zubn Potok, Vucitrn, Zvecan and Leposavic. Registry Office is located in the building of City Administration in Kraljevo, 1 Jovana Sarica Square.

Registry Office works every weekday from 8am to 3pm, while the department competent for proceeding in administrative cases works with parties until 2pm. Registry books are automated and requests submitted before 10am are solved on the same day, and the documents issued after 1pm. Requests for issuance of documents can also be submitted via mail or through virtual registrar, with the documents being delivered within 15-30 days. The Registry Office does not charge costs of republic administrative fees for issuance of documents needed for purposes prescribed in Article 19 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees. There are no city administrative fees for issuance of registry book excerpts.

Due to errors made in entering records in the period when registry books were administered in Kosovo, in some cases, records in registry books are either incorrect or incomplete and it is necessary to conduct the procedure of correction of data in registry books. Such requests are solved within 10 days. In case errors occurred due to incorrect entering of the records from registry books into automatic processing records, the data are corrected immediately.

City Administration of Krusevac is competent for administering registry books for the following municipalities: Prizren, Orahovac, Suva Reka and Gora. Registry Office is located in Krusevac, 6 Kosanciceva Street.

Registry Office works with parties every weekday except Friday, from 8am to 3pm. Requests for issuance of documents submitted in person are solved on the same day, but only for persons whose data have been automated. If the data are not in the automated registry books, one has to wait for days for issuance of documents. Request for issuance of documents can also be submitted through post, but the Registry Office proceeds upon such requests very slowly. Request for issuance of documents cannot be submitted through the virtual registrar. The Registry Office does not charge costs of republic administrative fees for purposes prescribed in the Article 19 of the Law on Registry Books, but does charge the costs of city administrative fees for issuance of documents.

The Registry Office was not working from mid-March to mid-April 2010, due to arrest of registrars who took money from parties to conduct procedures of registration in registry books and issue registry book excerpts. From mid-January 2010, in most cases the Registry Office has not been proceeding upon submitted requests for issuance of documents or initiated administrative procedures. Since April, they have only been proceeding upon newly submitted requests, while they have not yet started proceeding upon requests submitted earlier.

Deadline for reconstruction of registry books has been extended and the Registry Office proceeds upon requests for re-registration in birth, marriage, death and citizenship registry books.

City Administration of Jagodina is competent for administering registry books for the municipalities of Djakovica and Decani. Registry Office is located in the premises of the municipal authorities building, 6 Kralja Petra Street.

Registry Office is open from 7am to 3pm. Requests for issuance of documents are submitted by 2pm, but in case a large number of requests are submitted in a day, the documents are issued the next day. In that case, the Registry Office delivers the documents via mail, if the party states that in the requests and gives the address. The Registry Office responds to requests sent via mail within 15-20 days. It is not possible to issues requests through virtual registrar. Registry books are not automated, except for persons who have conducted procedures of re-registration in registry books. Neither republic nor city administrative fees for issuance of documents are charged for purposes prescribed in the Article 19 of the Law on Registry Books.

The deadline for reconstruction of destroyed or lost registry books has been extended until 2015 and the Registry Office proceeds upon requests for re-registration in birth, marriage, death and citizenship registry books. 

City Administration of Leskovac is competent for administering registry books for the municipalities of Urosevac, Kacanik, Stimlje and Strpce. Registry Office is located in Leskovac, 9/11 Pana Djukica Street.

Registry Office works every weekday from 7am to 3pm. Upon requests for issuance of documents submitted buy 10am, the Registry Office proceeds within the same day. Republic administrative fees are not charged for purposes prescribed in the Article 19 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees, but the party has to pay costs of city administrative fees. Registry books are not automated. Request for issuance of documents can also be submitted through the virtual registrar. Registry Office proceeds upon requests submitted by mail or through the virtual registrar within 15 days.

The Registry Office proceeds upon requests for re-registration in birth, marriage, death and citizenship registry book.

City Administration of Vranje is competent for administering registry books for the following municipalities: Gnjilane, Vitina, Kosovska Kamenica and Novo Brdo.  Registry Office is located in Vranje, 3 Save Kovacevica Street.

Registry Office works every weekday from 7:30am to 3pm and issues the documents on the same day if the requests are submitted by 1pm. Almost all records are automated (registry books from the municipalities of Novo Brdo and Kosovska Kamenica are completely automated, while approximately 60% of the data from registry books from the municipalities of Gnjilane and Vitina are automated). Request for issuance of documents can also be submitted through virtual registrar. Neither republic nor city administrative fees are charged for issuance of documents for the purposes prescribed by the Article 19 of the Law on Republic Administrative Fees.

Deadline for reconstruction of registry books has been extended and the Registry Office proceeds upon requests for re-registration in birth, marriage, death and citizenship registry books.

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