
Wednesday, 10 June 2009

Slavko Vulic Case - Illegal Occupant Protected, the Owner Deceived




Kosovo Property Agency (KPA) does not allow the rights holder to be present during the forced eviction of the illegal occupant from his house, and does not vest his property in him by delivering the keys in front of the evicted house, but in the KPA office, and without ssuing a certificate confirming that the eviction had been performed and the property sealed.

The presence of the rights holder during the forced eviction and taking over of the keys on the spot is essential, since if absent, the rights holder will not enter into possession of his property in true sense of the word, he cannot be certain whether the illegal occupant had been truly evicted from his property, and does not have the opportunity to move into the house immediately and prevent re-occupation of his property.

KPA finds excuses for such practice in protection of security, even though the issue of security remains open even after the rights holder returns to his property.

The above-mentioned shortcomings and problems have been noticed in the case of Slavko Vulic. For this reason, Praxis sent an appeal for urgent action to the UNHCR and OSCE, requesting their representatives to be present during the forced eviction of the illegal occupant and vesting the property in Vulic. However, the Appeal was sent in vain. UNHCR Pristina
refused to be present during the eviction, while OSCE Mission in Kosovo did not even respond to it. On the other hand, the KPA does not even allow Vulic’s legal representative to be present during the forced eviction.

Such practice of the Kosovo Property Agency leaves space for manipulation and pressure. This is exactly what happened to Vulic, who is being pressured to give part of his property to the illegal occupant, so that a house could be built for the illegal occupant and his housing issue resolved. In return, Vulic was promised that the illegal occupant would be finally moved out of his house.

Download: An Appeal for Urgent Action

Download: Slavko Vulic Case




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