
Monday, 21 August 2006

Lower Fees for Registry Book Certificates




Republic administrative fees reduced by 70%

According to the Law on Republic Administrative Fees (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia, No. 43/2003, 51/2003 – amended, 61/2005 and 101/2005 – other law), the cost of republic administrative fees for submitting requests for birth, marriage, death and citizenship certificates has been reduced by 70% for internally displaced persons. When submitting the requests, it is necessary that IDPs present a copy of their IDP cards.

Exemption from paying the republic administrative fee

Article 19 of the afore-mentioned law specifies, among other things, the exemption from paying republic administrative fee when documents are requested for the following purposes:

    * for registration into registry books;
    * for documents and actions taken in the procedures of correcting data in decisions, other documents and official records;
    * for documents and actions taken in exercising social insurance right, right to children’s social care, social protection, protection of military and civilian war invalids;
    * for documents and actions taken in relation to education of pupils and students, specialization, retraining;
    * for requests submitted to the organs responsible for requests and complaints;
    * for documents and actions taken when starting employment and exercising employment-related rights.

Responsible organs not applying certain legal provisions

Eight months after the Amendments to the Law on Republic Administrative Fees came into force, registry offices in Central and Southern Serbia, administering registry books dislocated from Kosovo to Serbia, still claim not to have been informed about certain provisions of this law, and that, therefore, they have not been applying them.

For this reason Praxis first addressed the registry offices pointing to their obligation to respect clearly defined legal provisions, and then pointed to the responsible ministries the irregularities in the work of the registry offices. The Registry Office Kragujevac was the first to start applying the legal provisions by recognizing IDPs their right to pay reduced administrative fees.

On this occasion Praxis would like to inform IDPs in need of documents (registry book certificates) on their right to pay reduced administrative fees on the grounds of their IDP status, or to be exempted from paying the fees as stipulated by law.


Download: Lower Fees for Registry Book Certificates




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