
Thursday, 1 January 2009

Croatia introduces OIB instead of JMBG




1. What is Personal Identification Number?
Personal Identification Number is a permanent identification mark of each particular individual, used by the public authorities in keeping official records and data exchange. Personal Identification Number has been introduced and applied in the Republic of Croatia since January 1st, 2009, by coming into force of the Law on Personal Identification Number (Official Gazette 60/08).

2. How are the personal identification number digits determined?
Personal Identification Number consists of 11 digits. Ten digits are randomly chosen, while the 11th digit represents the control number calculated on the basis “Modul 11.10” ISO 7064.

3. Does personal identification number have an acronym?
Personal Identification Number has an acronym of OIB.

4. Why is personal identification number being introduced for?
Personal Identification Number is being introduced for:

  • General information of public administration – to increase the effectiveness of public institutions and reduce administrative obstacles faced by the citizens;
  • Networking and automatic data exchange among all public records – citizens will have easier and quicker access to their rights: less queues, less paper work, reduction of citizen’s administrative obligations;
  • As the most effective tool in fight against corruption – better survey over the property of physical and legal entities, as well as over the financial income and flow, being the key precondition for transparent economy and systemic corruption eradication;
  • Ensuring precondition for fairer distribution of social welfare benefits;
  • Harmonizing Croatian legislative system with the legislative system of the European Union.

5. Who is eligible to personal identification number and how is it assigned?
Personal identification number is assigned to:

  • Croatian citizens by birth or by acquisition of Croatian citizenship;
  • Legal entities established and based in the Republic of Croatia, and
  • Foreigners when there is basis for their surveillance in the Republic of Croatia (registration in public records and acquisition of tax-payer status).

After January 1st, 2009 all new individuals will be assigned with the personal identification number at the moment of birth registration or by acquisition of Croatian citizenship, upon establishment or the moment the reason for surveillance arises. Personal identification number will be assigned on the basis of information data exchange between the bodies that enter records and Tax Administration, without personal presence before Tax Administration Office needed.

6. How will I be assigned a personal identification number?

All entities (physical entities born before January 1, 2009, legal entities based in the Republic of Croatia established before January 1, 2009, all foreign physical and legal entities with a reason for surveillance set before January 1, 2009, will be determined and assigned a personal identification number by Tax Administration, Ministry of Finance.

Certificate on Personal Identification Number will be snet to home addresses by mail in an easy-identified envelope. Delivery procedure: certificate on personal identification number for all registered entities will commence on January 12, 2009. Precondition for proper Certificate delivery is a correct address of the permanent residence, i.e. the residence stated in the competent registries.

If a person needs data on his/her personal identification number prior to receiving the Certificate to his/her home address, after January 1, 2009, he/she also can:

  • Send an SMS to 61642 (61OIB) stating it’s  citizen’s unique personal number (JMBG) or master citizen’s number (MB);
  • Inquire via web application at web page  www.oib.hr and
  • Ask for the Certificate at the Tax Administration Office.    

7. What will happen with JMBG and MB?

Introduction of personal identification number is a gradual process in which, in the first phase, OIB will be designated and assigned, and, in the second phase, OIBs will be registered in all public records. For the purpose of gradual introduction of personal identification number, during 2009, all new individuals will be assigned citizen’s unique personal number and master citizen’s number along with personal identification number. During 2009, JMBG and MB will be used in all forms and financial flows. As of 1st January 2010, OIB will be used in tax forms and financial flows.

8. Do I need to change personal documents?
It is not necessary to change personal documents. Those documents will be replaced gradually, for common reasons, e.g. when they expire. Until the OIB is registered on the ID card, a Certificate on OIB will be used as evidence on OIB.

9. Why OIB, and not MB?
All EU member states use certain identification numbers. The Republic of Croatia introduces personal identification number which satisfies two basic conditions: takes care of privacy protection – OIB contains digits which are randomly chosen and do not connect data to a person assigned (not an identifying number), and is in compliance with the criteria of the European Union for the purpose of international data exchange, as it contains less than 12 digits.

10. Who has insight into my OIB?
Personal identification number will be used by all authorized bodies and legal entities with public authority which for keep official records (register, record files, index, registries and other files and archives) on individuals and property, so the official records could be inter-connected to a network. Insight into OIB will be allowed only to authorized persons and institutions, with restricted access only to data they are authorized to. Central registry, which will contain all data on the basis of OIB, will be available only to specific officials of Tax Administration, with maximum data security measures taken.

Text has been taken from the web site www.oib.hr




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