
Tuesday, 7 June 2016

NRC - Praxis Humanitarian Report for May 2016

In May, NRC and Praxis continued working 24/7 in Belgrade. Given the developments at the end of April and the sudden closure and demolition of Refugee Aid Miksaliste, Praxis teams focused their work on Belgrade parks near the bus station and provided refugees with information and referrals to other agencies, and on distributing food and non-food items in cooperation with other organisations in the field.

Refugee arrivals to Belgrade remained steady and NRC-Praxis recorded an average of around 150 new arrivals daily. Most of them came from FYROM, and a significant number of them had spent several months in Idomeni, Greece. Refugees continued to arrive from Bulgaria as well. The vast majority still aim to move on to the Hungarian border, even though the number of official crossings permitted daily has been severely reduced and waiting times and conditions in the transit zones are reportedly very poor.

A significant development in this period was the reopening of Miksaliste in its new premises on 31 May to which NRC and Praxis contributed infrastructure and other support. The reopening was welcomed by all humanitarian actors. In May, NRC-Praxis assisted over 4,600 beneficiaries, bringing the total number of beneficiaries assisted since the project started to over 17,000.

Download the Report HERE.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action