
Friday, 17 June 2016

Whom we met

Student from Syria who applied for her last exam, and the next day found out that her faculty no longer existed.

Successful Iranian volleyball player, who wants a chance to be a professional athlete.

Little girl from Iraq who loves puzzles and has seven best friends with whom she will meet after the "journey".

A man from Somalia, who left his village for the first time after 60 years, and last winter, in Bulgaria, for the first time he saw snow.

Young Afghan banker, who does not want to get married, "even though it’s about time", and dreams of becoming a successful businessman.

Fourteen-year-old girl from Syria who will always remember Macedonia for having heard of a wild pig for the first time.

IT engineer from Afghanistan, who no longer plans to work as an engineer in Germany, but wants to join a humanitarian organization and help people in need.

Ten-year-old boy, who was sent by his parents on the journey with an older cousin, to arrive somewhere where "he may succeed", and when he does, he’ll bring his younger sister around, to whom he promised that he would  always take care of.

Woman who arrived in Europe and managed by some miracle to cross all the borders, and two weeks later, found out that her entire family had drowned in the sea trying to join her.


Who do we meet?

We meet people, people like us.

People who, one day, returning from work, school, or walk, found ruins instead of their homes. And who have been making decision ever since, decisions which are life-saving or life-ending.  

Courageous. Frightened. Determined. Sad. Smiling. Injured. Tired. Persistent.

We met Mohammed, who has several nicknames, but his name is not Refugee.

Bahir, whose name is not Refugee. 

Abdul, Zaida, Dawud, Zubauda, now all called Refugees.

We met...

A person who had plans and dreams. A person who daydreamed. When to marry. How many children to have. How to name them. Who has never planned to marry! Who argued with her partner, so they decided that he would name the boy, and she the girl.

A person having breakfast. Or not. Has lunch. Dinner.  A person that sleeps. Or sleeps poorly.  Who wakes up. Laughs. Chooses a shirt to wear. Has a favourite football team. Does not like sports. Would like a new hairstyle. And who may have sung song in childhood in "English" making up words of her own, just like you. Or maybe started studying foreign languages at the age of two. Just like you or someone you know.

A person who is a believer, atheist, anarchist, philosopher, Yogi.

Who had a life; was a sister; a teacher; a student; a daughter; a best friend; a musician; the biggest fan of Rolling Stones; was collecting shells; and exchanged letters with her younger sister using made up sign language that only the two of them understood; had a grandmother whom he visited on Thursdays; a cat named Ra; who loved to watch quizzes; who only wore green shirts for an entire year; and created profile pictures on Facebook of downloaded Instagram’s mem.

We met people. In every and in no way different. People who, just like us, wonder what is right and wrong, how to educate their children, how to help a friend in need; people who are fighting for the future of their families and children. And who, at this moment, need our support.


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