
Thursday, 3 March 2016

Joint Statement of the organizations working along the Western Balkan migration route

3 March

To European Leaders:

As national and international organizations working along the Western Balkan migration route in Greece, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, and Croatia, we strongly condemn the latest discriminatory and dangerous measures adopted by European countries as part of a broader package of deterrence policies intended to stem the flow of vulnerable people seeking safety.

Download: Joint Statement

Signatories: ActionAid, Albanian Helsinki Committee, Atina Serbia, Belgrade Center for Human Rights, Center for Youth Integration Serbia,
Civic Initiatives Belgrade, Civil Rights Program Kosovo, Doctors of the World Greece, European Council on Refugees and Exiles, Građanske inicijative – Civic Initiative, Greek Council of Refugees, Greek Forum of Refugees, Grupa 484, Helsinki Committee for Human Rights in Serbia, Humanitarni centar za integraciju i toleranciju (HCIT), Hrvatski pravni centar, International Rescue Committee, Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Macedonian Young Lawyers Association, Norwegian Refugee Council, Open Gate - La Strada, Oxfam, Practical Policy Centre Serbia, Praksis, Praxis Serbia, Save the Children, Solidarity Now, VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

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