
Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Praxis' Letter to Ombudsperson in Relation to Legal Position of Trustee for Protection of Equality

On 27 July 2010, together with the Coalition against Discrimination and other partner organizations, Praxis submitted a request to Nevena Petrusic, PhD, to decide without delay whether she will carry out her function of the Trustee for Protection of Equality or keep the post of a full time professor at the Faculty of Law in Nis. In accordance with the explicit provision of the Article 28 of the Law against Discrimination, Trustee for Protection of Equality cannot perform any professional duty.

In its letter to the Ombudsperson Sasa Jankovic, dated 3 August 2010, Praxis states that it supported the request of the Caolition against Discrimination because it completely agrees with understanding of the legal regulations on which the aforementioned request is grounded, and which have been explained in a document by Mr Sasa Gajin, PhD, the Coordinator of the Coalition and member of the Working Group for drafting the Law against Discrimination of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. Furthermore, Praxis supported this requests because it believes that Serbia needs a dedicated, strong and functional institution of Trustee for Protection of Equality which will be able to meet the obligations prescribed by the Law against Discrimination.

In its letter to the Ombudsperson, Praxis also enclosed the request of the Coalition against Discrimination addressed at the Trustee for Protection of Equality and the document on understanding legal regulations on which the request of a total of 31 non-governmental organizations is grounded.

Since the Lawyers’ Committee for Human Rights – YUCOM also lodged an initiative to the Ombudsperson for submitting a proposal for bringing and authentic interpretation of the Law against Discrimination, Praxis believes that both initiatives before the Ombudsperson will be useful when deciding upon submitting the proposal for bringing and authentic interpretation of the Law against Discrimination.

Download (Serbian only): Request of the Coalition against Discrimination and partner organizations to the Trustee for Protection of Equality

Download (Serbian only): Document on legal regulations on which the Request to the Trustee for Protection of Equality is grounded

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action