Child rights

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Praxis at the Meeting of Eurochild’s National Partner Networks Group in Bratislava

In the period 25-26 March 2015, a meeting of Eurochild’s National Partner Networks Group was held in Bratislava; it consists of 19 representatives of national child networks, led by the pan-European network organisation for children Eurochild. The Network of Organisations for the Children of Serbia (MODS) was represented by Jasmina Miković from Praxis, member of the MODS Steering Committee.

During a two-day meeting, the participants had the opportunity to exchange opinions and present suggestions for how the National Partner Networks could best contribute to the work of Eurochild, as well as how Eurochild could support networks at the national level.

The discussed issues concerned with the role and contribution of National Partner Networks in the Eurochild’s advocacy strategy, the European Semester and preparation of Eurochild report in this process, advocacy towards the countries presiding the EU, with reference to the presidency of Slovakia, cooperation with other international organisations and participation of children.

In addition, the meeting participants visited three organisations involved in the protection of child’s rights, which was organised by the Slovak National Coalition for the Rights of the Child.

See the news on the MODS website.
See the news on the Eurochild website.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action