Education & Training

Monday, 18 November 2013

Panel Discussion for Members of Roma Community Held in Zrenjanin

On 18 November 2013, a panel discussion for members of Roma communities was held in Zrenjanin within the project “Equal Chances for Better Prospects – Strengthening Roma in Combating Discrimination” implemented by the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality in cooperation with Praxis. The goal of the panel discussion, which was the part of information and education campaign of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, was raising awareness about the term and significance of discrimination and human rights protection mechanism, and empowering of the members of vulnerable social groups in fight against discrimination.

In addition to the members of Roma community, the panel discussion was also attended by members of non-governmental organizations, andragogical assistants, holders of the adult education programme “The Second Chance” in the territory of the City of Zrenjanin, who stated that the most of the attendees are of Roma nationality.

The representatives of the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality first presented the institution of the Commissioner, its organization and competence, particularly emphasizing that it is an independent body similar to many other institutions in Europe. Then the participants were acquainted with the legal term of discrimination and through an interactive approach and examples they pointed at the difference between the acts and behaviour that would represent discrimination in a concrete case and those that would not. Finally, expressing the concern about a small number of complaints filed by persons of Roma nationality and representatives of their organizations, the representatives of the Office of Commissioner acquainted the present with the procedure upon the complaint and called on them to react at acts of possible discrimination by filing a complaint to the Commissioner, even when they are not sure whether it is discrimination, since the procedure is free of charge and requests in regard to form of initial act are minimal. The publications of the Commissioner and a form of complaint in the Roma language were handed out to the present.

The representative of Praxis also contributed to the enlightenment of the problem of discrimination against Roma by pointing through the facts of the cases in which Praxis was the representative at the basic problems and impediments Roma face when trying to exercise the basic human rights, and danger of discriminatory acting towards them. Finally, she encouraged the present to address the Commissioner by a complaint. Praxis’ printed publications were handed out to the participants and the report “Protecting Roma against Discrimination” published in September 2013 was surely the most interesting to them.

The participants were able to take an active part and express their recent experience and observations in regard to exercise of rights. As, according to them, they were not acquainted with the institution of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality, precisely with their role, authority and competences, the panel discussion significantly contributed to raising awareness of the members of Roma nationality in the territory of the City of Zrenjanin about their right to equality and need to use the protection instrument for the stated right aimed at prevention of discrimination.  

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