Education & Training

Friday, 14 May 2010

Two Regional Seminars Were Held within the Campaign of Raising Awareness of the Public of Sexual and Gender Based Violence

Within the campaign of raising awareness of the public of sexual and gender based violence, Praxis organized 2 three-day regional seminars for representatives of local institutions dealing with protection of domestic violence survivors (justice, police, social welfare centres, health and education institutions, humanitarian and non-governmental organizations). Seminars were held in Smederevo (29-31 March 2010) for representatives of institutions from Smederevo, Pozarevac and Velika Plana; and in Novi Pazar (11-13 May 2010) for representatives of institutions from Novi Pazar, Raska and Sjenica. The goal of the seminar was forming a network of the main local stakeholders and their sensitizing about specific measures of protection and needs of violence survivors. A total of 57 representatives of relevant institutions took an active part in seminars.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action