Education & Training

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Roundtable End of Civil Rights Project – What Has Been Done for Seven Years and Where We Are Today Held

Praxis marked the completion of the Civil Rights Project in the Media Center in Belgrade. On that occasion, a round table was organised under the title End of Civil Rights Project - what has been done for seven years and where we are today.

Praxis took over the Civil Rights Project in 2004 from the Norwegian Refugee Council, which had implemented that project in Serbia from 1997. With the financial assistance from the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Praxis continued to advocate for the rights of target groups - refugees and internally displaced persons. During seven years, Praxis provided free legal assistance, information and counselling to the refugees from Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the internally displaced persons from Kosovo, in relation to the issues of accessing rights in the country (place) of origin or exile/displacement, focusing mainly on access to documents, property and other socio-economic rights.

The aim of the roundtable was to summarise and present the achieved project results and to jointly define the outstanding issues and obstacles in these areas impeding the target groups from reaching a durable solution.

Praxis was honoured by the presence and speech of Mr. Nils Ragnar Kamsvåg, the Norwegian Ambassador to the Republic of Serbia.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action