Education & Training

Friday, 27 June 2008

Second Generation of Law Students Complete Practice in Praxis

The second generation of law students, attending the Refugee Legal Clinic at the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade, have successfully completed the practice in Praxis, which is an integral part of this project UNHCR initiated at the Faculty of Law three years ago.

Upon successfully completed practice, on 27th June 2008 the students were awarded the certificates by Praxis.

In addition to the theoretical part of the Clinic, where students learnt about basic principles of the protection of refugees and asylum seekers, during the practical work they had the opportunity to get personally acquainted with the displaced, both in the office and in the field, as well as with their legal problems related mainly to property and status issues, but also domestic violence among the displaced in which they showed great interest.

Praxis’ mobile team field visits to the collective centres and Roma settlements have been estimated as particularly striking and useful by the students, where they got familiar with the living conditions, needs and everyday hardship of the displaced, thus becoming sensitised about the problems they face and the need for protection they largely depend on. On the other hand, the students regarded office work as very important as well and were impressed by dedication of Praxis’ staff to the task and the drive to pass on their knowledge and experience in solving the legal problems of the displaced in practice.

Praxis will continue the cooperation with the UNHCR and the Law Faculty at the University of Belgrade through the Refugee Legal Clinic Project, with the aim to contribute to developing an important part of the future system of free legal aid for refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action