U okviru projekta “PROACTION“ koji se bavi zaštitom od diskriminacije tražilaca azila i dece bez pratnje u migracijama kroz razvoj efektivne podrške i antidiskriminatornih politika, nastao je Priručnik sa materijalima za trening.
Priručnik sadrži materijale u vezi sa diskriminacijom azilanata, uključujući migrante u pritvoru i decu bez pratnje u migracijama, kao i obaveze koje bi Republika Srbija trebalo da ispuni kako bi ih zaštitila od diskriminacije. Materijal uzima u obzir rezultate Agencije Evropske unije za fundamentalna prava (FRA) i oslanja se na iste, koristeći Priručnik za nediskriminaciju koji je ova agancija proizvela kao referentni dokument.Tekstovi su zasnovani na zakonima i sudskim praksama sistema Ujedinjenih nacija, Evropske unije i Saveta Evrope.
Projekat “PROACTION - Zaštita od diskriminacije tražilaca azila i dece bez pratnje u migracijama“ finansira Evropska unija u okviru programa Podrška civilnom društvu 2013. Projekat se sprovodi u saradnji sa Grupom 484 i Međunarodnom komisijom pravnika.
Priručnik možete preuzeti ovde.
Within the framework of the project PROACTION – Protection Against Discrimination of Asylum-Seekers and Unaccompanied Child Migrants, Praxis, in the capacity of a partner of Group 484, provided free legal assistance, information and counselling to refugees in the period from November 2014 to June 2016. The project experience and findings related to the provided legal assistance and the analysis of practice are available in the publication entitled Legal Aspects of the Protection of Refugees and Migrants – Case Studies.
The publication can be downloaded here.
In the period November 2014 – May 2016, Praxis implemented the project PROACTION in partnership with Group 484 and International Commission of Jurists – European Institutions (ICJ-EI). In addition to providing direct protection to refugees and migrants, the goal of this project was to contribute to the development of more efficient support and improved anti-discrimination policies for asylum seekers, especially unaccompanied minors in Serbia.
The activities conducted by Praxis within the framework of this project were aimed at providing legal protection for refugees and migrants, especially in cases of discrimination and violation of human rights, education and networking related to anti-discrimination standards, as well as monitoring and advocacy for respecting and exercising rights without discrimination.
The first activity consisted of local education courses, which included the development of a manual entitled Equality and Non-discrimination – Legal and Strategic Framework. The education courses entitled On Anti-discrimination Standards in Dealing with Asylum Seekers and Unaccompanied Children in Migration were held in Niš, Novi Sad, Sjenica, Subotica and Zaječar. Local education courses were attended by a total of 160 representatives of non-governmental organisations and institutions dealing with refugees and migrants: representatives of the border police, misdemeanour courts, social welfare centres, the Commissariat for Refugees or local trustees for refugees, medical doctors and other medical staff of local health care centres.
Parallel to education activities, Praxis started to provide legal assistance, information and counselling for refugees. The project was aimed to provide free legal assistance to the asylum seekers in prisons and the unaccompanied minors placed in institutions, thus encouraging them through lawyers’ visits to report discrimination or other violations of rights. Five visits to institutions were conducted, primarily to district prisons and penitentiary-correctional institutions.
As the number of refugees and migrants passing through Serbia drastically increased in May 2015, Praxis modified its activities, primarily those related to legal assistance, information and counselling, adjusting them to respond in the most efficient way to the current needs of refugees and promote the standards of their protection without discrimination. In June of the same year, Praxis intensified field visits to the places of informal gathering of refugees in Belgrade, as well as border crossings and asylum centres.
During field visits in this period, Praxis lawyers primarily tried to define the needs of the refugees passing through Serbia by interviewing them and monitoring their access to rights. They also informed refugees about their rights, and above all about the possibility of obtaining a certificate of the expressed intention to seek asylum, free legal assistance that could be provided by Praxis in the asylum procedure, as well as about the possibility of receiving legal assistance in cases of discrimination. For this purpose, information materials were distributed. The refugees were also provided with practical information on the course of journey, available accommodation facilities, types of assistance, assistance in cases of family reunification and the like. During the project period, Praxis informed and advised 2,685 refugees and 119 unaccompanied minors.
Since the provision of direct legal assistance and representation is almost impossible in the circumstances where large numbers of people are exclusively in transit, anti-discrimination cases handled by Praxis related mainly to the protection against discrimination visible in the public space, i.e. in the media. Praxis lodged a total of 7 complaints with the Commissioner for Protection of Equality in the period from April to December 2015. Four (4) complaints were lodged to the Press Council for the same reason. One (1) administrative dispute was also initiated.
Finally, drawing on the activity of legal assistance provision and monitoring of the actions of competent institutions, Praxis wrote 4 case studies as part of the project, pointing to the current situation and the identified shortcomings regarding the protection of refugees. These case studies will be used as a means of further advocacy for improving the system of refugee and migrant protection.
The last activity carried out by Praxis was the organisation of roundtables to present the project results, the basic findings about the primary reception of refugees and cooperation among institutions, as well as the analysis of the decisions of misdemeanour courts and the overview of decisions in cases of discrimination. As part of this activity, 5 roundtables were held in Pirot, Vranje, Šid and Belgrade, which were attended by a total of 76 participants. According to the participants, the roundtables were a good opportunity for exchanging practical experience, but also for discussing the issue of discrimination against refugees and migrants and the importance of respecting the principles of anti-discrimination for the enhanced protection of refugees.
The implemented project activities, especially those related to protection against discrimination, contributed to the development of the practice of the authorities responsible for the protection of the rights of refugees and migrants, and thus to a somewhat improved approach to rights and services. Moreover, these training and education events contributed to the strengthening of the capacities of local non-governmental organisations and to a better understanding of anti-discrimination policies.
Towards the tenth conference of the International Society for Health and Human Rights entitled Mental Health, Mass People Displacement and Ethnic Minorities, which will be held in February next year, an introductory workshop on the topic "Health Implications of Transnational Human Migrations" was held in Novi Sad on 24 November. Praxis joined the workshop to participate in discussions on the experiences and insights gained through the work on urgent protection, accommodation and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in Serbia.
In addition to exchanging the up-to-date information on the situation concerning accommodation, sanitary conditions of migrant accommodation and challenges related to the impact of mass transnational migrations on people's mental health, the workshop participants discussed recommendations for a potential improvement of the current situation in the region of Central and South-Eastern Europe. In the workshop, representatives of non-governmental and governmental sector, regional, provincial and national Public Health Institutes, as well as foreign experts, shared their knowledge and insights from their own practice, bringing them into connection with the existing and necessary measures of prevention and protection of mental and physical health of migrants and asylum seekers.
Although significantly reduced since the closure of the Balkan Route in March this year, the passage of refugees through Serbia has not been stopped. UNHCR estimates that there were about 6,400 of them in Serbia in November 2016, and according to some NGO estimates, this number is significantly higher. Although over 5,000 people are accommodated in different transit and reception centres and asylum centres, a large number of people still stay in the abandoned buildings, in the makeshift and unhygienic conditions, without access to health care and protection. This situation requires urgent action, systemic approach to the problem, intersectoral cooperation and coordinated, mutually supportive action of the state, civil sector and agencies active in this field of activity.
Ivana Stanković, Praxis Status and Socioeconomic Rights Programme Coordinator, participated in the show "Good Afternoon" and talked about legally invisible people and difficulties they faced in exercising their rights.
You can see the show at this link.
Praxis published a statement on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. In that statement, Praxis pointed out to the problem of child, early and forced marriages, stressing that as a result of such harmful practice, women became victims of emotional, psychological and physical violence. It was also stated that 15 million girls under the age of 18 became victims of child marriages each year.
The statement was published in Blic daily at the following link.
“You have to suffer because of something. When you get children, your love moves on to them and you forget about beating…I hope I’ll be able to forget one day,” said A.A., a victim of forced marriage.
Today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we would like to remind the public that the girls all around the world are still exposed to child, early and forced marriages. Every year, fifteen million girls under 18 become victims of child marriages.
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, Roma girls in Serbia are “getting married” under the pretext that these marriages are a part of the tradition of the Roma community. Child, early and forced marriages represent violation of the girls’ rights, they endanger their mental and physical health, expose them to a greater risk of domestic violence, lead to increased rates of school drop-out, and, later, to poverty and their economic dependence on a husband and the community. As such, they represent severe violation of women’s human rights.
Throughout 2016, Praxis has been conducting activities aimed at prevention and elimination of child, early and forced marriages. During the discussions about the causes and consequences of this harmful traditional practice, the Roma women shared their traumatic experiences with us:
“My father sold me when I was 17. The story about violence is the story of my life. That’s it, what can I do.”
“Mistreatment occurs in marriage. Most women have experienced it, and each one of them keeps it to herself.”
“When you get married as a young girl, someone always mistreats you.”
Therefore, today, on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we would like to draw attention to the fact that it is necessary to prevent further neglect and abuse of girls who become victims of the emotional, mental and physical violence due to this harmful traditional practice.
The European Network on Statelessness is sending a petition today to members of the European Parliament and the Council of Europe to invite European leaders to change procedures to allow civil rights for children who do not have the citizenship of any state.
This was announced today by the Belgrade-based NGO Praxis, a member of that network. Praxis representative also said that the petition with 21,000 signatures was part of a wider campaign aimed at putting pressure on the European countries to reform their citizenship laws that prevented children from acquiring citizenship. Stateless children most often have limited access to health care, education and a range of other rights.
Read the news on the portal of news agency Beta.