In February 2008, Association Roma in Exodus from Kosovo and Metohija and Praxis signed the Memorandum of Understanding with the aim to closely cooperate on issues related to prevention of statelessness and reduction of statelessness persons in Serbia and prevention, legal protection and reduction of the number of “legally invisible” persons in Serbia.
Association Roma in Exodus from Kosovo and Metohija is a domestic non-governmental organization working on protection of human rights of internally displaced persons in Serbia, more specifically in obtaining personal documents, exercising right to health care, social welfare and children’s allowance, registering permanent or temporary residence and registering children in birth registry books.
The cooperation between Association Roma in Exodus from Kosovo and Metohija and Praxis has been agreed with the aim to contribute to social inclusion and enjoyment of basic human rights of the Roma population in Serbia.
Praxis became a member of the Coalition for Free Access to Information, which arose from the need to, through a joint action and support from the civil society and citizens as individual, put pressure on the authorities in Serbia – the Government and National Assembly, to adopt the Law on Free Access to Information as soon as possible. Members of the Coalition greatly contributed to bringing a law which would guarantee every citizen of Serbia freedom of access to information available to authorities. The Coalition continues its work which will be especially important in the process of implementation of the Law.
Free access to information of public importance is a condition for quality and efficient enjoyment of other rights and freedoms (freedom of thought, right to information, voter’s right, etc) and is an irreplaceable instrument for monitoring the work of the authorities. This right opens the way to citizens to take part in doing public duties and in the decision making process, truly and responsibly and without an intermediary, as well as to influence their content and efficient implementation.
You can read more about the Coalition here.
Praxis and School for Primary Education of Adults “Djuro Salaj“ from Belgrade have signed the agreement on mutual cooperation on the Project “SECOND CHANCE” – Development of the system of functional primary education of adults above 15 years of age in Serbia, which will be implemented by this school.
The goal of this agreement is to provide support and partnership on the Project “SECOND CHANCE” for the purpose of the implementation of the first project cycle in school year 2011-2012 on the territory of municipalities of the city of Belgrade.
During the project “SECOND CHANCE”, non-governmental organization Praxis is bound to provide free legal assistance to attendees of the project in obtaining basic personal documents necessary to enroll in the school and to cooperate with project mobile teams, which will consist of representatives of relevant institutions supporting the realization of the project.
Being DRC's sub-contractor in the EAR-funded project Support to the Repatriation and Reintegration Process of Refugees Currently in Serbia to Croatia and BH, Praxis co-facilitated, together with DRC and SDF the Advocacy Campaign: Repatriation to Croatia – Solving of Remaining Housing Related Issues that took place on April 7. The participants of the campaign were the representatives of Serbian and Croatian governments, international NGOs, Embassies and NGOs from Serbia and Croatia. The successful campaign resulted with the main recommendations given by the participants to the governments of the Republic of Croatia and the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro related to the repossession of property, housing care and reconstruction of houses in Croatia, as well as on the Declaration signed at the Ministerial Conference on Refugee Return (on January 31, 2005 in Sarajevo). Some of the main recommendations were to speed up the processes of property repossession, allocation of housing care and reconstruction in Croatia in order to enable the return of refugees as soon as possible in line of the above-mentioned Ministerial Conference, as well as to establish cooperation between the governments of Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro with the aim of informing the displaced Croatian Serbs about housing issues in Croatia.
Download: Repatriation to Croatia - Solving of Remaining Housing Issue
Praxis submitted Comments on UNMIK's Protection of ICCPR-guaranteed Rights in Relation to Certain Aspects of Private Immovable Property Claims Resolution in Kosovo to the United Nations Human Rights Committee.
Download: Comments on UNMIK's Protection of ICCPR-guaranteed Rights
Praxis submitted Recommendations to OHCHR Belgrade on the occasion of adopting Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee on Kosovo
Related to PROPERTY (Section 18 of the Concluding Observations)
Related to DOCUMENTS
Related to LANGUAGE (Section 22)
Download: Concluding Observations of the Human Rights Committee
UNHCR and its legal and other implementation and operational partner, Praxis, Balkan Centre for Migration, Centre for Minority Rights, OSCE, MPDL and HCIT formed a Focus Group on IDP Documentation with the overall aim to achieve systemic changes in the field of IDPs’ access to documentation, through strong advocacy.
At the first meeting of the Focus Group that was held in May, the Group agreed to come up with a set of detailed suggestions to amendments of law(s) and procedures to address IDP's problems in accessing documents. For that purpose, the Group invited a consultant - legal expert from the Centre for Advanced Legal Studies, to discuss drafting of a new law that would regulate this issue. Focus Group intends to engage local legal experts and practitioners who would analyze the existing legislation and make specific recommendations to legislative amendments in order to simplify the access to documentation and civil registration of IDPs into registry books dislocated from Kosovo.
As a part of its advocacy campaign, in July 2007 the Focus Group held a meeting with the Assistant Minister for Public Administration and Local Self-Government, with the aim to present to the Ministry Focus Group’s initiative for removing obstacles to IDPs’ access to documents and to seek the Ministry’s initial support to the activity. Members of Focus Group agreed with the Assistant Minister to share its analysis and specific recommendations with the Ministry for further discussion and action. However, it has been stressed at the meeting that the solution to the problems of IDPs related to access to documents and, more specifically, determining the fact of birth and subsequent registration is not only within the jurisdiction of the Ministry for Public Administration and Local Self-Government, but also within the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior.
More such meetings will continue with other stakeholders in the Government including the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior.
As part of its activities within the Focus Group on IDP Documentation, UNHCR, Praxis and Balkan Centre for Migrations met with the representatives of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) of the Republic of Serbia on 11th October 2007. The aim of the meeting was to introduce the representatives of the Ministry with the initiative of the Focus Group to ease access to personal documents for internally displaced persons in Serbia. Focus Group presented its activities related to drafting of legislative amendments in order to achieve systemic changes in the field of IDPs access to documentation. Praxis had previously prepared a handout illustrating everyday problems IDPs face in obtaining documents, and shared it with the representatives of the Ministry. The Group also announced the organization of the Round Table on Subsequent Registration that is due to take place in early December. Project on Automation of Dislocated Registry Offices, funded by the Bureau for Population, Refugees and Migrations of the US Department of State, which is being undertaken in the municipalities of Kragujevac and Krusevac (administering the dislocated registry books from Kosovo), was also presented to the Ministry. There are plans to implement the same project in the Municipality of Kraljevo next year.
Ms Zorica Kasalica-Loncar, Head of the Administrative Department of MoI, expressed satisfaction with the cooperation between the Administrative Department and UNHCR. Ms Kasalica-Loncar also praised the Project on Automation of Dislocated Registry Books, which significantly reduced the backlog and eased the process of obtaining documents from the two dislocated registry offices. She also showed great interest in the work of the Focus Group. As she stated, the Ministry has a clear interest in providing documents to all citizens of the Republic of Serbia, but she emphasized the need for raising awareness among vulnerable categories, especially Roma population, on importance of possessing personal documents. Ms Kasalica-Loncar informed the participants on the new Law on Temporary and Permanent Residence, which is currently being drafted, and expressed interest in receiving suggestions of the Group. In addition, the Ministry of Interior accepted to participate at the aforementioned Round Table on Subsequent Registration.
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), in cooperation with the Internally Displaced Persons’ Associations UNIJA, organized a roundtable in Kopaonik in the period from 17 to 19 September 2008. Representatives of state institutions, non-governmental and international organizations in Serbia and Kosovo, dealing with the issues of internally displaced persons (IDPs), participated in the roundtable, in order to comprehensively examine the situation and position of IDPs in Serbia.
The roundtable was organized as part of the project “Support to Refugee/IDP Return through Legal Aid”, within which Praxis is conducting a research on IDPs situation in the society and their access to justice, social, economic and property rights.
The work at the roundtable was conducted in working groups, divided according to the topics discussed – access to documents in Serbia, access to documents in Kosovo, property rights in Kosovo, employment, education, health care and social welfare. The aim was to examine certain aspects of the issue, both from the standpoint of state bodies and institutions, on one side, and non-governmental and international organizations on the other, in order to jointly reach a solution and make recommendations for removing administrative and systemic obstacles in accessing certain rights.
See the news from the OSCE web site.
Download (Serbian only): OSCE Agenda