The MPDL is a Spanish non-governmental organisation working on assisting and promoting the sustainable return process in the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, including Kosovo, and Montenegro. MPDL provides coordinated services of legal and social aid to refugees, returnees and displaced people.
Praxis and MPDL have established close cooperation and agreed to collaborate on behalf of refugees, returnees and internally displaced persons, to facilitate the voluntary return processes, support stabilization programs for minority communities, and address local integration issues in both proper Serbia and Kosovo to reduce tensions.
In July 2007 Praxis became a member of the European Roma Information Office (ERIO) Network , thus accepting its goals and committing to assist Roma in improving quality of their lives, reducing poverty and level of social vulnerability.
The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) is an international advocacy organization, founded in 2003, which promotes political and public discussion on Roma issues by providing factual and in-depth information on a range of policy issues to the European Union institutions, Roma civil organizations, governmental authorities and intergovernmental bodies. ERIO cooperates with a large network of organizations and acts to combat racial discrimination and social exclusion of Roma through awareness raising, lobbying and policy development.
As a member of ERIO Network, Praxis will be informing ERIO about its Roma related activities and obstacles encountered by Roma population in accessing their fundamental rights. Praxis will also cooperate and exchange information with other members of the network regarding the implementation of activities set up by ERIO and the realisation of the overall goal of the network.
Praxis became a member of Federation of NGOs in Serbia (FeNS). FeNS is the network of NGOs, which was founded at the annual conference of the Civic Initiatives in February of 2003. Namely, a number of non-governmental organizations initiated forming of a network of non-governmental organizations, with the aim to clearly define legislative framework within which to work and define financial and institutional support. They realized that only through joint activity by means of this legitimate body, could they improve their working conditions and develop a strategy for survival of this sector in Serbia.
Today, FeNS comprises of 513 member organizations from 102 municipalities in Serbia.
HELP is a German non-governmental relief organization, founded in 1981 by the members of German Parliament. HELP started its work by providing humanitarian assistance for Afghan refugees that have fled to Pakistan. Today, HELP is engaged in emergency assistance, as well as in rehabilitation and development projects worldwide.
HELP has been operating in Serbia since 1999, providing socio-economic support for vulnerable individuals – refugees, IDPs, local social cases and Roma population. HELP has been implementing a large number of humanitarian projects in Serbia: socio-economic support programmes and micro-enterprise development through income generation assistance; support to the closure of collective centres by providing alternative housing solutions; trainings and support for start-up businesses; construction and rehabilitation projects; humanitarian relief projects such as distribution of food, hygienic items and firewood, etc, thus supporting implementation of several National Strategies.
Praxis and HELP signed the Memorandum of Understanding, thus establishing close cooperation with the aim to contribute to recognition of displaced persons and members of ethnic minorities before the law and their enjoyment of individual rights on an equal and non-discriminatory basis. The organizations also agreed to share information, experience and knowledge related to issues of relevance for the displaced population and, when it is of mutual interest, undertake joint advocacy initiatives for removal of barriers the displaced face in accessing their rights.
HELP is currently implementing the Project “Housing and Income Generating Support to Refugees and IDPs in Serbia”, with the overall objective to support the implementation of the National Strategy for Resolving the Problems of Refugees and IDPs of the Republic of Serbia through facilitating the closure of collective centres and contributing to the overall living standard enhancement in the target areas. Within the MoU, Praxis agreed to assist HELP in obtaining documents for the displaced, needed for successful implementation of this project.
You can obtain additional information on the activities of HELP in Serbia at
On 24 March 2009, Praxis and NGO Centre for Youth Integration signed a Memorandum of Understanding, thus establishing cooperation of the two organizations with the aim to provide free legal assistance to “street children and youth”. Centre for Youth Integration aims to contribute to social integration of youth by raising awareness about the importance of their active and constructive involvement in the community. The Centre began its programme of working with children and youth living and working in the street in 2005 through field work in the central municipalities in Belgrade and, afterwards, the Drop-in Centre for street children was opened within this organization.
Centre for Youth Integration and Praxis have established cooperation with the aim to provide “street children and youth”, beneficiaries of the Drop-in Centre, with personal documents, which will enable them to access their basic human rights.
On 9th February 2009, in Belgrade, the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights of the Republic of Serbia organized a ceremony at which it formally signed Memorandum of Cooperation with the organizations dealing with human and minority rights, among them Praxis as well.
With the aim of establishing closer cooperation and promoting human rights in Serbia, and with the aim to report regularly and objectively about the cases of violation of human rights and provide timely and adequate reaction to such violations, non-governmental organizations and the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights have obligated to provide regular exchange of information about the activities referring to drafting, adoption and implementation of the law and strategies in the field of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Ministry promised to provide support to NGOs and strengthen relations with them, while NGOs, on the other side, promised to, according to their knowledge, point to the Ministry to the violations of human rights occurring due to the shortcomings in the legal system or within discriminatory and inadequate practice.
In June 2009, Praxis and Civil Society Research Centre from Macedonia signed a Memorandum of Understanding wishing to establish close cooperation in the provision of legal assistance and protection of rights of the displaced and the members of Roma minority in Serbia and Macedonia.
The Civil Society Research Centre is a non-governmental organization established in 1997 with the objectives of assuring growth and promotion of a society based on a solid civil premise, respect of human rights and the principle of the rule of law. The Centre provides free legal, technical, consulting and other support to citizens, refugees, non-governmental organization and institutions, both local and international, in their efforts to pursue activities related to the domain of civil society and the rule of law.
The close cooperation between the Civil Society Research Centre and Praxis is agreed upon with the aim to contribute to the recognition of the displaced and the members of Roma minority before the law and their exercising of human rights on an equal and non-discriminatory basis.
In February 2010, Roma Educational Centre (ECR) and Praxis signed a Memorandum of Understanding, wishing to establish close cooperation in empowering the Roma to access and protect their rights, combat discrimination and participate in the society on an equal basis.
ECR is a non-governmental organization from Subotica with the mission of inclusion of the Roma population in the local environments on the territory of the Republic of Serbia, aimed at Roma capacity building, improving their living conditions and active incorporation into integrative social processes. ECR has been implementing projects regarding education, culture and representation of Roma rights.
The close cooperation between ECR and Praxis has been agreed with the aim to contribute towards social inclusion of the Roma and to their full enjoyment of civil rights.
In February 2010, Roma Women’s Association Osvit and Praxis signed a Memorandum of Understanding, wishing to establish close cooperation in empowering the Roma to access and protect their rights, combat discrimination and participate in the society on an equal basis.
Osvit is a non-governmental organization based in Nis and established in July 2005. Osvit has been supporting the emancipation and social inclusion of Roma women, youth and children for almost five years now. Osvit’s aims refer to increasing the level of awareness of Roma women in the region of the City of Nis about women’s rights and empowerment of Roma women to actively participate in the life of local community and access to socio-economic rights, rights to education, health care, employment, etc.
The close cooperation between Osvit and Praxis has been agreed with the aim to contribute towards social inclusion of the Roma and to their full enjoyment of civil rights.
As UNHCR implementing partners within the Project “Social Inclusion: Regional Support to Marginalized Communities”, the organizations Civil Rights Programme, Kosovo, Association “Vasa prava BIH”, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Civil Society Research Centre, Macedonia, Legal Centre, Montenegro, and Praxis, Serbia, have signed a regional MoU in order to formalize and strengthen regional ties ad promote cross-border/boundary cooperation to issues linked to social inclusion of Roma, Ashkali and Eguptians (RAE) communities and other marginalized groups in the Western Balkans.
The cooperation is aimed at contributing to prevention and reduction of statelessness in the region and reduction of persons at risk of statelessness, which particularly affects the RAE population, especially those displaced during the conflicts in the region. Finally, the cooperation should contribute towards the social inclusion of RAE and other marginalized groups and to their full enjoyment of human rights in the region of the Western Balkans.