Praxis Watch

Thursday, 30 October 2014

Difficulties in Obtaining ID Card Impede Access to Rights

Even though the possession of an ID card is a guaranteed right and a duty of national citizens with permanent residence in Serbia, obtaining it may be related to numerous difficulties.

N.N. is an internally displaced person from Kosovo and a member of Roma ethnic minority who was living without an ID card for 15 years, because he did not possess evidence of registered permanent residence and a document with a photo based on which his identity would be determined. The ID card was issued to N. N. only when, with Praxis assistance, he obtained the photocopy of the records on previously issued ID card in Pristina. Prior to that, N. N. was not able to exercise the right to health care and social protection despite being in the state of social vulnerability. In addition, he was threatened with impossibility of applying for the social housing programme after the announced closure of the collective centre we has residing in.

H. G. is facing the similar difficulties. She possesses the evidence of registration of permanent residence, but police officers from the Police Department in Niska Banja competent for Pristina region referred her to obtain the records on issued ID card from her previous permanent residence in Kosovo. Insisting on obtaining evidence from Kosovo causes unnecessary costs for the party, which is particularly unjustified given that she is an internally displaced Roma women without incomes whose identity may be confirmed by the members of her family or other witnesses of identity.

Possession of an ID card is a precondition for the access to many rights in Serbia. However, Praxis has determined that members of vulnerable groups are left without an ID card for a long period of time, because they are required to enclose evidence whose obtaining causes high costs or is a great burden on parties for other reasons.

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