Praxis Watch

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Praxis Has Published Protection Monitoring Report on Migration for August 2017

In August, the largest number of refugees/migrants met and/or interviewed by Praxis’ mobile team during a day, was 290, including the newly arrived ones, the refugees/migrants accommodated in the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac and those who returned to Belgrade after unsuccessful attempts to cross the Croatian, Hungarian or Romanian border. 

Praxis continued its field work and provided a total of 500 newly arrived refugees and migrants (347 adults and 153 children, including 85 unaccompanied and separated children - UASC) in Belgrade with relevant information, which is significantly more than in the previous month when we provided 191 newly arrived refugees/migrants with relevant information. During this month, Praxis visited the town of Obrenovac several times thus expanding its activities, in order to provide as many refugees/migrants as possible with relevant and timely information. Out of the total of 500 newly arrived refugees/ migrants, one hundred and fifty (150) refugees/migrants (30.0%) came from Pakistan. One hundred and twenty-one (121) refugees/migrants came from Iraq (24.2%), which is a significantly higher percentage than in the previous period. 103 persons or 20.6% of them were from Afghanistan. Twenty-six (26) newly arrived refugees/migrants were from Syria, which accounts for 5.2% of the total number. 18 refugees/migrants (3.6%) came from Algeria, thirteen (13) refugees/migrants (2.6% of the total number) came from Iran. Nine (9) newly arrived refugees/migrants came from Morocco (1.8%), while a total of 60 (12.0%) refugees/migrants came from other countries: Bangladesh, India, Palestine, Tunisia, Eritrea, Libya, Egypt and Mauritania. 

In this reporting period, the families waiting for registration or transport to one of the asylum or reception centres they had been referred to still had the option of spending the night in Miksalište. The adult men stayed outdoors overnight, in the parks or at the railway station. There is still no organised transport to the reception and asylum centres, like in the previous reporting period. As regards food, clothing and medical assistance, the situation in the field remains unchanged: there is still no organised distribution of food and clothing outside of the Asylum Centre Krnjača and the Reception Centre Obrenovac. In the previous period, the lack of medical assistance in the field in the afternoon hours caused concerns. In August, MSF extended working hours, and in this reporting period, medical doctors were present in the field from 9 AM to 8 PM. 

For more information, see the related announcement here

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