Praxis Watch

Tuesday, 25 October 2016

Protection Monitoring Report 16 Sept - 15 Oct 2016

The number of refugees and migrants present daily in the parks near the Belgrade Bus Station rose to nearly 1,300 persons in November, compared to around 600 in mid-September. Almost all asylum and reception centres are full, including AC Krnjaca, while there were around 1,000 refugees and migrants sleeping rough in Belgrade at the end of the reporting period, compared to around 300 in mid-September. Hygienic conditions in the old barracks, abandoned buildings and other facilities where refugees sleep are alarming, with increased number of scabies and body lice infestation. Furthermore, there is evident lack of winter NFIs in the field (jackets, shoes, blankets, etc), especially for men. 

Praxis continued protection monitoring in the field, provided information to refugees and migrants in Belgrade about available legal options and available services, identified vulnerable cases assisted them or referred them to other organizations for targeted assistance. Praxis also provided protection by presence and accompanied refugees to PS Savska for registration. Inconsistencies in registration continued, access to asylum is often hindered, protection of unaccompanied and separated children (UASC) is still the most challenging, while refugees continue to report mistreatment by both the authorities and civilians along the route.

For more information, see the related announcement here.

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