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Friday, 4 November 2016

Cancellation of the Informal Collective Centre “SRC Pionirski grad” by Forced Eviction

By forced eviction of 6 families from residential pavilions “SRC Pionirski grad” as of 2 November, the last resident of this informal collective centre was evicted. Despite appeals and advocating that evictions, when they are necessary, shall be carried out in accordance with ratified international standards, the latest evictions were followed by the same human rights violations as all the previous ones, which started two years ago and which Praxis has already pointed at.

The international standards in defining the right to appropriate housing clearly specify that eviction should not lead to homelessness or violation of other human rights of individuals and envisage the obligation of the state to take all appropriate measures for the evicted persons who are not able to take care of themselves, using thereby the maximum of their available funds and provide adequate alternative accommodation, relocation or access to arable land. The Republic of Serbia has failed to provide alternative accommodation to the refugee, disabled and old person, and thus harshly violated its obligations, at the moment when it actively implemented the Regional Housing Programme. 

For more information, see the related announcement here.

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