Social & Economic rights

Friday, 12 January 2018

Almost No Progress in Public Administration Reform in Serbia

The latest report of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), prepared within the framework of SIGMA programme for regular monitoring of all Western Balkan countries in the field of public administration reform, shows, based on the analysis of 2016 data, that Serbia has almost no progress in the field of public administration reform. There are stagnation and serious shortcomings in most areas, while in some aspects there is even regression. Certain progress has been recorded only in one out of the six areas of public administration reform, which is the area of service delivery. Serbia was commended by Sigma for the Stop to Bureaucracy Action Plan, the service “Baby, Welcome to the World”, the digital service system for vehicle licenses, and further improvement of the procedures for starting a business. However, the situation is rather unfavourable in the area of quality control and assurance because there are no common standards or service user feedback mechanism.

In fact, whether we talk about planning and preparing public policies or about the degree of public administration professionalism or about the way of informing the public about its work and involving citizens in decision-making process, many indicators show that Serbia is at the lower level than other countries in the region, especially compared to the neighbouring Albania and Montenegro.

Publishing of SIGMA/OECD 2017 report was also the occasion for launching, within WeBER project, the previously announced tool for monitoring the performance in the Western Balkan countries in the field of public administration reform – PAR Scoreboard

PAR Scoreboard shows the results for all Western Balkan countries in an interactive way, allows their filtering by public administration principles and shows the criteria measured by two groups of indicators: 

1. those developed through SIGMA/OECD methodology; 

2. those developed through WeBER PAR Monitor Methodology. 

More information about the possibilities provided by PAR Scoreboard is available here.

Media coverage: TV N1

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