
Wednesday, 25 May 2005

OSCE: Guidance for Returnees to Croatia

The OSCE Mission to Croatia has recognized the need for additional legal return-related information (civil and administrative) to be provided through the distribution of guidance for returnees.

The distribution of appropriate and relevant information received a special meaning after the Regional ministerial conference in Sarajevo on the issue of refugees and displaced persons in the region of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia and Montenegro. In the Declaration signed on the 31 January 2005, the responsible Ministers committed themselves to undertake specific measures to ensure a just and permanent solution for the refugee and displaced person file by the end of 2006.

The Declaration confirms that every refugee should be able to choose between the right for a safe and dignified return or the right for local integration and that the State should undertake all necessary measures to allow the refugee to make a free and informed choice.

Download: Guidance for Returnees to Croatia




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