
Friday, 8 November 2013

Dutch Minister of Human Rights Visits Serbia

On 8 November 2013, a meeting was held in relation to the Project “Equal Opportunities for Better Perspectives, Strengthening of Roma People to Combat Discrimination” implemented by the Commissioner for Protection of Equality in cooperation with non-governmental organizations Praxis and the Regional Centre for Minorities, co-funded by the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The role of Praxis and the Regional Centre for Minorities in this project consists of organization of public debates across Serbia aimed at raising awareness and empowering the Roma to combat discrimination.

The aim of the meeting was to acquaint the representatives of the Netherlands Embassy in Serbia and the Dutch Minister of Human Rights, Mr Lionel Veer, with the project activities implemented so far in the field of protection of Roma against discrimination and their impact. On that occasion, representatives of Praxis and the Regional Centre for Minorities shared their experiences in representing the interests of Roma in the cases related to protection against discrimination before the competent bodies.

See the news from the website of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality: Visit of the Dutch Minister of Human Rights to the Commissioner (Serbian only)

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action