
Monday, 8 April 2013

Praxis Announcement on the Occasion of International Roma Day

On the occasion of International Roma Day, we are sending our best wishes to all fellow Roma citizens.

On this day we are obliged to once again emphasise that many Roma in Serbia still face poverty, violation of their human rights, discrimination in education, housing, health care and employment, and different treatment jeopardizing their lives, hurting dignity and hindering integration. What is also worrying is anti-Roma rhetoric and violence. Eviction of Roma families from their homes, segregation in schools, and difficulties in accessing health insurance, social protection, personal documents, citizenship and permanent residence all illustrate their exclusion and isolation.

Serbia cannot progress if a part of its population remains socially excluded and at the margins of society. The State must invest significant efforts to adopt and implement affirmative policy measures in order to enable social inclusion of Roma and ensure their equality with other citizens of Serbia.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action