Child rights

Friday, 13 July 2012

Joint Submission for the UPR of Serbia, 15. Session, 21 January – 1 February 2013

Coalition for Monitoring Child Rights with the cooperation of Praxis provided Joint Submission for the UPR of Serbia, 15th Session, 21st January – 1st February 2013.

Child rights state in Serbia have been improving constantly since late 1990, however in a period covered by this Submission several dissonant processes took place. Coordination of national efforts for children has been decreased, budget allocations had also been decreased, and the system for overall implementation is not significantly improved. However, there were a lot of efforts regarding social inclusion of children from vulnerable groups including children in juvenile justice system and protection of children from violence and exploitation.

The specific issues covered by the Submission include equality and nondiscrimination, pointing out difficulties in birth registration and poor condition for development of Roma children, and lack of efficiency in social inclusion support system. It covers right to life, safety and freedom of children emphasising necessity of corporal punishment prohibition and lack of specialised services for children who are victims of violence and children in juvenile justice facilities. Right to privacy, marriage and family life is also one of the priorities, putting in perspective specific problems of children living in foster and adoptive families. Lack of specialised services for children with behavioral problems and violation of right to highest standard of health care of children with diabetes is also described in social security and standard of living section. But the crosscutting issue for all children in Serbia is poor, outdated and not fully inclusive educational system which does not ensure right to education on equal opportunity bases and does not ensure quality education for children in Serbia.

See: Joint Submission

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