Child rights

Monday, 11 November 2019

Praxis at the Annual Assembly Meeting of MODS in Kragujevac

The Annual Assembly Meeting of the Network of Organisations for Children of Serbia (MODS) was held in Kragujevac on 9 and 10 November 2019.

The Assembly Meeting was chaired by Iva Eraković, Executive Director of the organisation Friends of Children of Serbia. In the working session, the Assembly first considered the MODS Activity Report for 2018, presented by Director Saša Stefanović, and then Jasmina Miković from Praxis, President of the MODS Steering Committee, presented the Steering Committee Report and reported on the participation of MODS in governmental bodies, first of all in the Children’s Rights Council and the working groups established by the competent ministries: the Working Group on Early Development and the Working Group on the Development of Child Rights Strategy. The Supervisory Board Report 2018 and 2019 and the 2020 Financial Plan were presented by Radomir Jevtić, President of Supervisory Board. After a brief discussion, the Assembly members unanimously adopted these reports.

The MODS Assembly then unanimously re-elected Iva Eraković as a member of the Steering Committee.

In the continuation of its work, the Assembly also unanimously adopted a proposal for MODS to join the regional network in the Danube region - Danube Civil Society Forum, and the global network for ending sexual exploitation ECPAT.

Iva Eraković then presented the initiative of the Protector of Citizens to sign the Cooperation Agreement with MODS, which was unanimously adopted by the Assembly.

On the afternoon of the first working day, Bojana Selaković, Programme Director of Civic Initiatives, presented support for civil society development provided by Civic Initiatives within their Resource Centre. After the introductory part, the members had the opportunity to share their experiences from the local level, as well as the challenges and problems they most often faced.

A novelty at this year's Assembly Meeting was the Market of Ideas - a session in which the members had the opportunity to exchange ideas on the projects and programmes they were implementing, as well as to propose topics and activities for MODS in the coming year.

The second working day was reserved for the presentation of new organisations for admission to MODS membership. The organisation Na pola puta (Halfway) from Pančevo and the Association for Cerebral and Child Palsy, Kosjerić, were unanimously admitted to MODS membership, currently consisting of 103 members.

The last part of the session was used for proposals for improving MODS work and discussing future MODS activities and advocacy plans.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action