Education & Training

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Panel Discussion for Members of Roma Community Held in Bujanovac

On 29 October 2013, a panel discussion for members of Roma communities was held in Bujanovac within the project “Equal Chances for Better Prospects – Strengthening Roma in Combating Discrimination” implemented by the Office of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality in cooperation with Praxis. The goal of this information and education campaign is raising awareness and empowering the Roma national minority in fight against discrimination. The panel discussion was attended by representatives of the organizations whose activities are directed at protection of and assistance to the marginalized and vulnerable social groups.

After presenting the institution, organization and competences, the representatives of the Commissioner for Protection of Equality acquainted the present with the terms of discrimination and its form. Based on many examples from practice of the institution, they intended to point at differences between the acting that would present discrimination and the one that would not and called on the present to react at violation of the right to equality by filing a complaint to the Commissioner, even when they are not sure whether it is discrimination. If the content of the complaint clearly indicates that it is not related to discrimination but to the violation of another right, an employee in the Office of the Commissioner will refer the submitter of the complaint to the competent body which he/she should address for the protection of his/her rights. Stressing the importance of filing a complaint to the Commissioner and overall fight against discrimination and building of tolerant society, the representatives of the Commissioner pointed out that the procedure is free of charge and formalities and that it may be filed via mail.

Praxis’ representative acquainted the participants with the term and contents of basic human rights and mechanisms for accessing and protecting them. In addition, she pointed at the most frequent problems encountered in practice, stressing thereby the bad systemic solutions or deficiencies in the work of bodies in procedures for exercising the rights related to vulnerable social groups, particularly the Roma.

Through an active participation in the panel discussion, by expressing their own experiences and observations, the present pointed out at impeded and frequently utterly prevented access to human rights. Basically, they are of the opinion that Roma are socially excluded and deprived of rights and very often the victims of discrimination for belonging to Roma national minority. However, the level of awareness about the right to equality is very low among the members of Roma population and discrimination is often minimized and presented as socially acceptable behaviour. The reason for that is most often fear of retaliation of a person who would file a complaint for the violation of the right to equality.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action