Education & Training

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Praxis at Roma Social Inclusion Seminar Held in Belgrade

On 18 June, the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the European Commission organized in Belgrade the seminar on inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia. The seminar was held as the continuation of the active application of the operative conclusions from 2011 with an aim to present taken activities and achieved progress as well as remaining problems, and also plans for further improvement of the position of Roma.

The discussed subjects referred to registration in birth registry books and access to personal documents, measures related to education, employment, social protection and health care, exercise of the right to adequate housing, freedom of movement and readmission.

Within the first session that referred to registration in birth registry books and access to personal documents, the Executive Director of Praxis talked about the estimates of needs for subsequent birth registration, application of the legal framework and examples from practice. Also, in the course of discussion about the exercise of the right to adequate housing and health protection, by pointing at the most significant problems from practice, Praxis representatives gave its contributions to better understanding of the position of Roma and obstacles they daily face when accessing their rights.

The seminar was also attended by the representatives of the National Assembly, Government of the Republic of Serbia, Roma National Minority Council, Ombudsperson, Commissioner for Protection of Equality, cities and local self-governments, and also by the representatives of the international and civil society organizations. For the needs of the seminar, Praxis elaborated two documents on the situation in the area of exercise of the right to registration in birth registry books, the right to citizenship and the right to adequate housing.

Download the documents:
Situation in the area of exercise of the right to registration in birth registry books and the right to citizenship

Situation in the area of exercise of the right to adequate housing

Presentations of the participants:

Ministry of Justice, Science and Technological Development

Ministry of Construction and Urbanism

Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Policy

Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia – Readmission

 Commissariat for Refugees and Migrations of the Republic of Serbia – Housing


Roma Issues Coordinator in the City Administration of the City of Sombor



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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action