Education & Training

Saturday, 24 November 2012

Praxis Guest Lecture for the Attendants of the School of Romology at University of Novi Sad

The representatives of Praxis held a guest lecture at the School of Romology 9 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad. The School of Romology is an interdisciplinary programme where attendants study Romany history, culture and language, and the goal of the programme is acquainting the attendants with the basic knowledge of Romology and sensitizing the wider public to the needs of the Roma community.

At the guest lecture, the attendants  were acquainted with the most significant problems faced by the Roma community in Serbia in exercising the basic human rights. In that regard, the problems faced by legally invisible persons, i.e. persons not registered in birth registries, the consequences of forced evictions of informal Roma settlements and systemic discrimination in the respective areas were also presented. In addition, the attendants saw the documentary film “Here I Am”.

The lecture was followed by a discussion when concrete measures for the improvement of exercise of the rights of legally invisible and forcibly evicted Roma were proposed and the continuation of the cooperation in future cycles of School of Romology announced.

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Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action
Praxis means action